Business transformation payoffs of cloud services at mohawk

Assignment task:

CASE: Stamas, P. J., Kaarst-Brown, M. L., and Bernard, S. A. "The Business Transformation Payoffs of Cloud Services at Mohawk," MIS Quarterly Executive, 13, no. 4 (2014): 177-192.

Assuming the Mohawk case was being presented to you today:        

After having implemented the cloud services and integration with partners, Mohawk is looking for expanding into a new business opportunity that would allow it to operate a "platform business". The goal is to enable Mohawk to augment its revenue stream with a consistent stream of revenues earned from the "platform business". Recommend one option of a "platform business" for Mohawk to consider.

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Other Management: Business transformation payoffs of cloud services at mohawk
Reference No:- TGS03378770

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