Based on what you have learned about your chosen country

Critical Thinking

Assignment : Discuss a Popular or Literary Representation of your Country Case Study

Refer to the film or website you identified in Module 3 about the failed/fragile state that you have chosen for your Portfolio Project. Summarize the website or the film and describe the important information presented.

Describe the tone of the website or film: is it hopeful about the country's future, pessimistic, or neutral? Does the film or website pass judgment on the country, or does it approach the country objectively?

Based on what you have learned about your chosen country from other sources, do you think that the film or website gives an accurate portrayal of that country?


Write a formal two to three page essay complete with citations from at least two outside academic sources

Cite these on a separate page at the end of the essay, and include a title page at the beginning.

APA style

Module 3: Portfolio Project Milestone: Supporting Media | Schoology

Feldmann, A. E. (2013). The 'phantom state' of Haiti. Forced Migration Review, (43), 32-34.

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Dissertation: Based on what you have learned about your chosen country
Reference No:- TGS02430546

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