Assessing ability of how you can analyze a financial report

Assessing ability of how you can analyze a financial report and communicate financial information in writing. In the below information you will find the monthly financial report for the reporting period ending Oct 31, 2016. The fiscal year started April 1, 2016 and ends March 31, 2017.

This is an example of a report provided from the budget analyst to the budget holders who review the information and provide a year end forecast by expense category. The attached report was sent out and the forecast information was completed as requested. It has now been returned to you for your review. Your supervisor has asked that you review the attached budget forecast and analyze the information to: a) identify any issues or concerns you may have b)Identify any questions you feel need to be addressed by the program area. c) Identify any recommendations you may have.

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Financial Management: Assessing ability of how you can analyze a financial report
Reference No:- TGS02159671

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