ancestry database records information about

Ancestry database records information about family trees. Following information is recorded about each person:

FIRSTNAME first name

SURNAME surname

MNAME maiden name (if applicable)

DOB date of birth

BPLACE place of birth

DOD date of death (if applicable)

DPLACE place of death (if applicable)

SEX male/female

Spouse details:

FIRSTNAME first name

SURNAME surname

MNAME maiden name (if applicable)

DOB date of birth

BPLACE place of birth

DOD date of death (if applicable)

DPLACE place of death (if applicable)

SEX male/female

Father details:

FIRSTNAME first name

SURNAME surname

DOB date of birth

BPLACE place of birth

DOD date of death (if applicable) 3

DPLACE place of birth (if applicable)

Mother details:

FIRSTNAME first name

SURNAME surname

MNAME maiden name (if applicable)

DOB date of birth

BPLACE place of birth

DOD date of death (if applicable)

DPLACE place of birth (if applicable)

Part B: Normal Forms

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Database Management System: ancestry database records information about
Reference No:- TGS0206011

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