Analyze the courts decision and discuss if you think it was

Two ex-Coke workers sentenced in Pepsi plot deal, POSTED: 1815 GMT (0215 HKT), May 23, 2007

Analyze the Coca-Cola Employee Case (Joya Williams)  Focus on the ethical issues raised by the case and use the following ethics checklist as a guide in discussing the case and what you think would be the ethical and right decision based on your values and ethics, not necessarily the Court's decision.

Finally, analyze the Court's decision and discuss if you think it was fair and just and whether you feel that Williams deserved the punishment she received for the crime she committed. Would you have done the same thing Joya Williams did if you were in her situation?

Use outside research and add any other thoughts or analysis that you think are relevant to a discussion of the case. Consider the checklist below very carefully as you formulate your response.

Your response should be a minim um of 500 words. Use APA format for citations.

Ethics checklist:

• What are the facts?

• What are the critical issues?

• Who are the stakeholders?

• What are the consequences?

• Does the conduct violate important values?

• Does it violate the Golden Rule?

• What were Ms. Williams' motives?

• What are the parties' alternatives?

• What are the ethical implications of each alternative?

• Is more than one alternative right?

• Has the process been fair?

• Is the punishment just?

• Which values are in conflict?

• Which of these values are most important?

• Can you find an alternative punishment that is consistent with your values?

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Dissertation: Analyze the courts decision and discuss if you think it was
Reference No:- TGS02651593

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