Analyze a businesss responsibilities to the environment

Discussion 1: "Lean Operating Systems"

Respond to the following:

• From the first e-Activity, examine at least three different types of waste that can be found in an organization of your choice. Suggest the lean strategies to confront them.

• From the second e-Activity, compare and contrast the lean service system found with Southwest Airlines to a full-service airline such as United Airlines, British Airways, and other large carriers in terms of cabin service, boarding process, baggage handling, and service encounters.

• Recommend ways for the airline carriers to improve their lean operation system in terms of speed and quality while reducing waste and costs. Explain your rationale.

Discussion 2: "Project Management"

Respond to the following:

• From the third e-Activity, provide at least two examples of companies that have used project management techniques such as CPM or PERT. Evaluate their success in operations.

• Determine at least two factors that impact the quality of project management. Suggest ways these factors can be mitigated without affecting project operations.

Discussion 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Respond to the following:

• Select a small business with which you are familiar and develop a plan of action for encouraging ethical behavior. Provide specific examples to support your response.

• Analyze a business's responsibilities to the environment, employees, customers, investors, and the community, and determine which is the most important. Explain your rationale.

Discussion 4: The Legal Environment

Respond to the following:

• Select a small business with which you are familiar and discuss the most likely forms of business law it would need to be concerned about. Provide specific examples to support your response.

• Referring to the same company, discuss the most likely government regulations that would directly impact day-to-day operations. Provide specific examples to support your response.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Analyze a businesss responsibilities to the environment
Reference No:- TGS02080147

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