Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles

Assignment task:

1. Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on individuals and teams

2. Discuss each of the below how it would work if you apply to individuals and teams as a manger and supervisor.

Managerial grid (Blake and mounting 1950)

Leadership continuum ( Tannenbaum and Schmidt 1958)

Situational leadership ( Hersey and Blanchard 1969)

Authentic leadership ( Goffee and Jones 2011)

Five practices of exemplary leadership ( Kouzes and Posner 1987)

Leadership qualities ( Bennis 1989)

Leadership styles (Goldman 1995)

Action centred ( Adair 1963)

3. Discuss the limitations for each of the styles in terms of applying them .

4. Discuss how it is possible to use each management style to further advantage of a team or a wider organisation.

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Other Management: Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles
Reference No:- TGS03378752

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