An american revolution for the 21st century


Students will write a critical analysis about the given topic. Your work should be college-level prose, use proper grammatical rules, include practical examples where appropriate, and include
proper citations if using any outside sources.

Topic : An American Revolution for the 21st Century

Students should explain the pressure cooker theory of revolution as described in unit 1. Then you will write a fictitious account of a modern-day revolution in the US. Be sure to include a discussion of the key groups/players, explain the causes/reasons, and justify your thesis with
supporting statements. If you use any outside sources you are required to cite them appropriately with the use of Chicago Manual of Style, which has online resources available  at :



12 point Times New Roman font only

Include a title page: (top) title of your paper, (middle) student name and date, (bottom) course name, instructor name

Do not use headers or footers in the body of your paper

Use 1 inch margins on all four sides of your document.

The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and approximately 1000 words in length.

Be sure to include an introduction, the body of your text with several supporting paragraphs,

and a conclusion tying together your overall theme.

Basic rules of grammar and formal rules of writing must be adhered to in this (and all) papers

you write for an academic class. You will lose points for these items. Proofread your paper

for mistakes that "spell-check" does not identify.

If you use any outside resources you must cite them correctly and include a bibliography.

Use for guidelines on how to cite sources.

It is not acceptable in this type of college paper to write in first person so avoid its use. The

finished product must have some fluidity and cohesiveness based on your prose.

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History: An american revolution for the 21st century
Reference No:- TGS01945044

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