
How big is too big? (Extended Debate)

A folk proverb warns: ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth'. Particularly in a small kitchen, there is almost no way around this problem. There are too many people working with not enough room, not enough tools and usually not enough time to do the job the best it can be done. But is this always the way that it works in industry? In this Debate, you will consider the question of size and effectiveness.

To complete this Discussion:

Post: Consider the sentence: ‘The larger a project is, the easier it fails. Nothing can change this trend'.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Select a position which is close to your personal standpoint. Collect arguments supporting your position and refuting the opposite one. In every particular case, identify the idea(s) you are opposing. Explain why you consider it (or its
specified part) wrong and why. Your document should have 500+ words

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Management Theories: Afolkproverbwarnslsquotoomanycooksspoilthebrothparticularlyi
Reference No:- TGS01485639

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