Adaptation of rebellion to current events

Assignment task:

Purpose: To apply the adaptation of rebellion to current events and analyze whether rebellion and deviance was necessary to effectuate the desired political or social change.  

Post:  The five general adaptations to anomie: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. We have seen increasing chaos, uprisings, and rebellions over the past 5 years. Rebellion is the anomie adaptation category wherein political deviants essentially break rules in efforts to effect changes within the current system.

Choose a current political or social movement and discuss the following:

  • How anomie and strain led to the rebellion.
  • Who the policial deviants are.
  • What is the cause or change the organization or group is advocating.
  • What acts of deviance are committed for the sake of that cause.
  • Whether the deviant acts are effective in changing the system.
  • Whether or not there are lawful or non deviant means available to effectuate change.

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Other Subject: Adaptation of rebellion to current events
Reference No:- TGS03375722

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