1nbspnomadic pastoralists have permanent settlements and

1. Nomadic pastoralists have permanent settlements; and complete households shift location with the herd. House structures are highly stable, such as a tent or yurt.

  • True
  • False

2. Which of the following does not generally characterize pastoral societies?

  • seasonal changes of residence
  • communal ownership of grazing lands
  • economic independence from surrounding agricultural societies
  • communal ownership of animals

3. Which environment is least likely to be inhabited by pastoralists?

  • grasslands
  • savannahs
  • tropical forests
  • deserts

4. Redistribution involves:

  • the exchange of goods between people already associated with each other.
  • the systematic movement of wealth toward an administrative center and its reallocation by authorities.
  • the exchange of goods at prices.
  • the exchange of goods between neighbors.

5. The sororate is a marriage custom in which:

  • a widow is expected to marry the brother or another close relative of her dead husband.
  • a widower is expected to marry the sister or another close relative of his dead wife.
  • a man marries his stepsister.
  • a man takes his brother's widow as a wife.

6. A potlatch is:

  • feast held by Tahitians to celebrate a marriage.
  • involves a highly elaborate form of kula.
  • takes place in the Trobriand Islands.
  • is a form of redistribution exchange.

7. Polynesian chiefs:

  • must use their personal charisma and skill to gain their positions of leadership.
  • have to personally obligate their followers to support them.
  • have inherited positions that followers are culturally obligated to support.
  • can support warfare, crafts, and the redistribution of goods, but on a smaller scale than Big Men.

8. A Big Man's position differs from a chief's position in that it:

  • is not based on wealth.
  • is based on personal skills and charisma.
  • is an ascribed status.
  • is reinforced through supernatural authority.

9. Warfare in chiefdoms differs from conflict in tribal society because:

  • there is no warfare in tribal society.
  • warfare in chiefdoms is for territorial expansion but not in tribes.
  • is blood revenge in chiefdoms and not in tribes.
  • is over females in tribes.

10. Which position of leadership is an ascribed position?

  • Headmen
  • Big Men
  • Chiefs
  • Presidents

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