1 why must canadian organizations be cognizant of the

1. Why must Canadian organizations be cognizant of the influences of globalization when considering recruitment and selection? a. Globalization affects the pricing strategies for goods and services. b. Globalization creates higher trade barriers for entry. c. Globalization demonstrates that best practices for staffing are necessary. d. Globalization threatens the survival of domestic retailers.
2. What two (2) important principles ensure the human resources system functions properly? a. Enhance communication between human resource functions and ensure ethical compliance. b. Assess the impact of legislative requirements and scan the socioeconomic environment for trends. c. Emphasize the roles of recruitment and selection and apply them to organizational strategy. d. Think in systems terms and coordinate human resource activities with all organizational units and people.
3. What did the Supreme Court of Canada decision in the Meiorin case illustrate? a. Employment testing can be inaccurate and unfair. b. A completed job analysis will ensure that legal standards are met. c. Selection procedures have been checked for validity. d. There are physical differences between men and women.
4. What is a potential outcome of a science-based selection process? a. a significant number of qualified applicants b. a defensible system with effective employees c. a flexible, quick process that fits the organization's culture d. a process that is comfortable and flexible for all employees
5. Which of the following statements best defines discrimination? a. the duty of an employer to put in place modifications to discriminatory employment practices b. any employment rule, practice, or policy that has a negative effect on employees
Recruitment and Selection 2014
c. the denial of opportunity to a person or class of people based on a group characteristic such as age, colour, race, religion, marital status, or mental or physical disability d. any unwelcome conduct or consequences that may detrimentally affect the work environment
6. What are the two (2) necessary conditions for the Federal Contractors Program? a. Employers must have more than 10 employees and more than $200 000 of business with the federal government. b. Employers must have more than 50 employees and more than $500 000 of business with the federal government. c. Employers must have more than 75 employees and more than $1 000 000 of business with the federal government. d. Employers must have more than 200 employees and more than $3 000 000 of business with the federal government
Scenario: You are the HR person for a small enterprise in charge of hiring as part of an expansion. You want to be sure that you hire the right people for the new positions. The first question that comes to mind is how to identify exactly who you are looking for. A job analysis will help you get the necessary information. Job analyses procedures can be very elaborate; however, a job analysis is nothing more than finding answers to a series of questions about the job. Ask yourself a series of questions that will help you find the right person.
7. In the situation above, which of the following questions would you NOT ask to collect information in a job analysis? a. Will there be any differences in the job in the future relative to the past? b. What do you wish your new hires to accomplish? c. What do people who hold similar jobs think about the knowledge, skills, abilities and other attributes needed? d. Will the employees do different things on different days?
8. A hospital employs a variety of individuals as nurses, doctors, technicians and so forth. How would these generic groups be classified? a. by position b. by role c. by worker d. by job
9.Which performance behaviour is similar to contextual performance behaviour? a. organizational citizenship b. job-specific task proficiency c. non-job-specific task proficiency d. organizational culture
10. Into which subcategories would you break job performance behaviours? a. competency, contextual, and job-specific behaviours b. task, contextual, and productive behaviours c. task, contextual, and counterproductive behaviours d. job-specific, contextual, and organizational behaviours

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Business Management: 1 why must canadian organizations be cognizant of the
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