Process of Communication - Organization Behavior

It is concerned with sharing and understanding of information. It consists of several steps explained below:

1)     Develop an idea:  the first step is to develop an idea that the sender wishes to transmit. This is the key step, because unless there is a worthwhile message, all the other steps are somewhat useless. This steps is represented by the sign, sometimes seen on office or  factory walls, that reads, "be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear."

2)     Encoding: the text step is to encode the idea into suitable words, charts, or other symbols for transmission. At this point the sender determines the method of transmission so that the words and symbol may be organized in suitable fashion for the type of transmission.

3)     Transmit: when the message finally is developed, the next step comes on way to transmit it by the means chosen, such as by memo, phone call, or personal visit. Senders also choose certain channels. Such as bypassing or not bypassing the superintendent, and they communication with careful timing.

4)     Receivers: the person or group, who perceives the message and attaches some meaning to the message, is the receiver. In the reasonably good communication situation, the receiver receives the intended message.

5)     Decoding: even if the message is received, it is possible that it is not understood in the same sense and spirit, as the sender intended it to be, because the receiver decodes it differently. Decoding means attaching meaning to the message.

6)     Provide feedback: when the receiver acknowledges the message and responds to the sender, feedback has occurred. It completes the communication loop; feedback is necessary to ensure that the receiver has received the message and understand it in the same sense, as sender wants

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