
Xml based assignment

   Related Questions in Programming Languages

  • Q : Describe Uninitialized variable

    Uninitialized variable: It is a local variable which been declared, however has had no value allocated to it. The compiler will warn of variables that are employed before being initialized.

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  • Q : Explain Increment operator Increment

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    Define the term Monitor: It is an object with one or more synchronized techniques.

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    What is an Integer: It is a negative or positive whole number. The primitive types are: short, byte, int and long are utilized to hold integer values in narrower or broader ranges.

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  • Q : Explain Object reference Object

    Object reference: It is a reference to an object. Languages other than Java employ terms like pointer or address or. It is significant to keep the difference clear between an object and its reference. The variable like argo

    Q : Define Unbounded repetition Unbounded

    Unbounded repetition: The repetition where statements in a loop's body are executed an arbitrary number of times, according to the consequences of the statements in the loop's body. All of the loop control structures in the Java offer for unbounded re

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