What Would You Miss if You Left Your School
Life is all about learning new things. When we grow up, we realized that our school life is the best time of our life. How good your college life may be, there is nothing that can match those best school days.
School is the first lesson of life. What we learn in school remains with us for the rest of our life. Realizing this basic truth, the ethics of school try to instill in us, the basic values of life e.g. discipline, honesty, punctuality, respect to elders, being good-mannered, personal cleanliness etc. School Days are the best days there are no tension of earning money, no work pressures, full time of playing and enjoy the life as per our wish.
Everyone's school days have the memories they can cherish and treasure for their whole life. School days are the most joyful and fun filled with mysteries to solve and many fights to resolve.

At school, we feel that we are bound by many rules & regulations. Once we will reach college we will be free, no teachers to force us to attend classes, no uniforms. But we remain under a false notion.
I will miss breaking the rules, talking on phone in class room in presence of teacher, bursting crackers in toilets & in front of school gate, surfing banned websites in the computer lab.
There are many things of my school life, I will never forget:-
- Bunking classes with friends for doing some adventures
- Recess used to be much more fun than anything else
- That feeling of wanting to become the monitor in class
- Calling Proxy attendances of friends
- I forgot my homework copy at home
- God please save me in exam hall
- Putting my father's signature on my report card
- Tuition & teaching classes with gang of friends
- The Most irritating task was getting up
- Those rewards offered by parents for getting highest marks in the class
- Annual Sports day in school used to be our little version of commonwealth games & Olympics
- The class punishments
- The best class periods were the ones with Substitute teachers, when the subject teacher was absent
- Taking the most imaginative route to school
- And the 'Journey' from the Playground to the Class
· Friends' lunch boxes seemed more delicious than ours
· I miss the days when I got nervous whenever there is a verbal reporting in front of the class
· I miss eating in our canteen while laughing to jokes by my crazy friends
· I miss many things in school; we used to fight for silly things with our friends. Our fights were generally for taking the window seat in the bus or for stationary items like pencil or sharpener
· Real friends are the childhood friends not the colleagues we pretend to like at work in our companies. In school, Life made more sense & so did the Cartoons we watch regularly
· Being lazy in school & not washing the paint brush so that it turn into paint sticks and spending time at the wash basin with friends while trying to clean the brushes but actually attempting to miss the next class
· Excitement of buying new school uniform, covering books with brown paper & pasting your favorite stickers
The most loving days of our life when there was no responsibility of the so called real world but the huge tension of completing homework in a specific period of time. In School days teachers and principal were considered as greatest enemies of our life.
In school life everyone knew everyone. It would not be the same in college. You are going to miss the sense of belonging that your schools give you.
There are so many memories, while performing on the school's dance stage. The practice sessions before every competition. Trying out my hand at every possible game like kho kho, tennis, roles plays, Ad made shows, volleyball. The classical dance sessions on the weekends and the few shows I performed, simply an amazing experience which is going to stay for life with me.
That feeling of being Rani Laxmi Bai at a school drama that was really proud full moments for me rest of my life and the appreciation which I got from my school principal.
During school days finding the few friends who are now my best buddies for whole life and the memories shared with them.
In college we can be misguided and go astray without the supervision of our teachers. The students who care for studies have to keep themselves updated and are bound to attend classes. In college you are the best judge of good and bad. The There is no one to guide you, to lead you on.
How much you hated your teachers while in school, once you came in your college life, you would know that your school teachers were the ones who actually cared you the most. College life is a grown-up place where most people wouldn't bother about you. You'll miss that one teacher who was your guiding light throughout your life.
I salute my school and my teachers for imparting their knowledge in my mind.
Most of us would agree that the days spent in school were certainly the best days of our life. It is in school that we find our first friend, have our first crushes, and learn our first lessons about life.
Recalling memories of school days is holding onto the things you love, the things you appreciate & the things you never want to lose.
There are so many memories that bring smiles and tears on our faces. All those funny but the best moments of my Life. Spent at my most favorite place in this world that is called "MY SCHOOL". School life is the best life.
Cheers to our School Life where we learned to Dream.