The work of any person shall be rewarded. Education at school for a child is his primary step of work with the specific compensation – assessment. And the better the kid manages with his ‘work duties, the higher the grade. The score is not just a fair prize, however miserably as well ‘a gum in the wheels’.
Predicament that continues to carry on in the minds of the students is whether to concentrate on marks or on knowledge. What is more essential getting better marks or getting more knowledge? Generally it must not be an either or questions as better knowledge must lead to better marks however the valuation system in most schools is so subjective and convoluted in spite of all efforts to make it more objective and simple that the students concentrated on higher marks don’t hesitate cutting corners and go to extremes to make their mark sheet look better. The burden lies with our whole education system that motivates students to achieve higher marks that enables them to get to popular institutions for higher education which in turn leads to the better jobs; even the parents compel their children to concentrate on marks rather than learning, on higher marks instead of on knowledge, capability, quality, value, skills and individuality.
Studies on humanities give thorough attitude of students to the route of getting knowledge. At first, it is attentiveness and awareness at lesson when the teacher transfer an educational information, and secondly, obligatory homework, and thirdly, visiting extra voluntary courses as required. In fulfillment with the basic principles of training, established the school, a good score is generally guaranteed. There are of course several exceptions associated to the habits of child’s discernment of some subjects. Simply, not everybody can be a mathematician or a chemist. Though, this dilemma can be resolved by means of extra-curricular actions with a lecturer or guide.
Though, there are subjects, ‘timeless’ to constant tutoring. These are physical training, art and music. Subjects are assessed on a par with others. Subjects whose basis is not just responsible attitude and discipline, however the child’s aptitudes to these actions.
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Maybe the way out of this condition must be searched in the assessment of student’s accomplishment. And here it is significant to address to the experience of knowledge assessment in higher and secondary educational institutes, where in some subjects such mark as ‘pass’ is given. Perhaps student’s passing system for evaluating physical training, music and art in schools will be a good score of knowledge as skilled and unskilled students? And for the effectual growth of the child’s existing aptitudes, electives, clubs and sections must remain.
It’s much unfortunate, when teachers are asked to give grades moderately by the institution’s administration. This occurs mostly in private colleges of higher education. The reason is apparent. Students with low scores damage the institute’s reputation, meaning thus, loss of business. However should not the goal of education be imparting knowledge in the correct sense and not apparent marks? Yes, the students passing out with high grades will surely draw more people to the institute, however what in relation to the future of the students and the country? These bigheaded students with superficial high scores fail to get a fine job. Even if they get it, they discover themselves in a hard condition due to lack of understanding of principles and poor practical knowledge. Colleges and teachers must visualize the prospect of the student and not just their own present business.
Therefore, we provide student’s facility to interact with well experience and educated teachers chosen from various countries. This online assistance site is not restricted to a single country; however students from any part of the world, having fine internet connection can talk to our tutors and get help.