Revolutionizing Education System
Education means to gather some knowledge or to learn. It is a continuous process, which never ends. It starts when a child is born and continues till death. A child start learning from very small age and actual education process starts when he/she enters the school. The education system is very vast and changes according to time. The processes changes but the structure of learning is same.

The structure of school is same starting from play school to 12th after that graduation, then post graduation and so on. This pattern is same and the ways and methods change according to time and need. But the main issue is, in schools the main focus is on memorizing.
In schools even after lots of changes in past few years, few more changes are required in the education system. Memorizing is also an important part of education, yet many more changes are required.
Not only in schools even in universities only marks matter. It would not be right to say that marks are sufficient to judge the ability of a student. Many schools have written exams before admission and student get admission only if he/she qualifies the entrance. Some universities follow the same criteria also either they conduct exams, or they go for marks basics also know as cut off the system.
It is high time to change this method of study. The first step should be taken from school or primary section. Whereas we have to assure that a student should not only memorize a subject but also whereas we have to assure that a student should not only memorize a subject but also he/she should understand it. Memorize for a while. A very well writer said in his famous novel "be capable my son, capable... success will follow you no matter what" 'Five Point Someone' by Chetan Bhagat.
The way and method of teaching should be changed. Teachers should focus more on explanations and practice rather than just making them prepare for exams. A teacher should teach them in the way that they should remember that for their whole life. Ways of teaching should be made more interacting and better.
Students can be taught with the help of pictures. Drama and stage shows can be organised stating the situation or explaining about particular topics. Debate competition can be beneficial for students as it helps them to explore and learn more. A teacher should train his/her student in such a way that he/she should become an excellent speaker as well as a good listener.
New ways did not end up here only. Open book test, comprehensions and various other methods can be opted to teach student different things. Now a day's E-classroom is introduced in various schools and colleges. E- Classroom (Electronic Classroom or Smart Class) this is a class where students are taught with the help of animated slides to make learning better for them. It would be more beneficial if complete technology should be used. That implies that student should be taught proper use of technology. Laptops should be introduced instead of paper and pen.
The student should be judged on his/her overall performance not only on his studies. A student should be graded on his artwork, on his cleanliness, for his social responsibility, on hygiene, etc. studies should be marked as important or prior but all this should also included so that there should be an overall progress of a student.
Not only teaching method should be change, but examination pattern should also be changed. Instead of providing students with marks or grades area of improvement should be provided. So that student can improve that section and gather interest in studies. A teacher should make arrangements of revising the topics again and again along with new topics. Methods mention above can be used.
Instead of just practicing on a paper student should teach to use his brain more than paper. Online test series can be beneficial for students. It will help the student to learn more without writing. A student can use his mind, slowly and gradually he/she can become perfect in just answering the questions after reading it especially in mathematics where basic calculation needs paper or pen for maximum students.
Although the pattern followed is also good but all the changes mentioned above can make the education system better and advance. As time is changing every student will need to be in touch with technology, and they should be having brains, not just an imitating parrot.
Education will be more amazing and fun for students, rather than crying for not going to school they will love it because they will be enjoying more over there as compare to their homes.
In the end, I would like to conclude changes are a need for the betterment, but amendments should be made keeping in mind what are the need and wants of a student. They are going to be future of our nation.