During modern age, globalization is increasing, understanding one or two secondary languages has develop into more than simple accomplishment of high class and intellect but also strict requirement in many instances. Whether it is for social, professional or personal motives, learning at least one overseas language is a necessity for anyone that wishes to keep his or her head up high in today’s society. Let us take purposeful look on the major reasons which must show importance and will turn you towards knowing foreign language.
Professional Requirement
This is most likely the key reason for which one should learn foreign language. Lots of professions need the familiarity of at least one or two overseas languages, depending on a field of the job. Most jobs may ask which you know the international language like French, English, Spanish or German or business-oriented language like Chinese, Japanese, Russian and so on. If you are a resident English speaker you may have it bit easier, as English is the chief international language and one that is current the most frequently in job descriptions but knowing secondary might also prove very important.
Social Bonus

Yes it is true that knowing foreign language or more is absolutely a social bonus. There is absolutely a sharp hill to climb amid being presented as someone that does not know any foreign language at all against being presented as linguist. Other case when knowing foreign language can be factually a social blessing is when meeting foreigner whose language you can speak. They will be tremendously impressed by the ability to talk with them through their own resident tongue, though you are on home grounds and this fact can single handedly prepare great impression around you. If foreigner occurs to be part of business meeting, this notion can turn to triumphant business partnership, carrying you both professional and social satisfactions.
Your memory improves
Educators frequently compare brain to muscle, as it functions better with exercise. Learning a language engages memorising rules and vocabulary, that aids strengthen that mental muscle. This exercise develops overall memory that means that numerous language speakers are better at identification lists or sequences. Studies illustrate that bilinguals are better at keeping shopping lists, names, and directions
Personal Satisfaction

Knowing foreign language is one of the uppermost academic goals which one could have, on personal scale. Believe about difficult puzzle, or math problem which takes months if not years of steady studying in order to be solved. Process of solving it may be firm, difficult one but the yell of joy at the end is well value it. It is the similar case with learning foreign language: the learning procedure is not simple and you will have many small issues and problems to undertake a long way. You will have to concentrate on a variety of aspects of problem, like spelling, grammar, reading, articulation and so on. If you go on problem in sight though and if you do not lose interest in it, the probability of solving it are tremendously high and intellectual fulfilment which you get at the end is unrivalled to anything else.
Keeping Your Mind Healthy
It is been methodically proven which by learning a novel language, process excites your brain in such a method that it will make you more eager on knowing and learning other subjects, comprising real disciplines like physics, math, chemistry and so on. Knowing a novel language needs memorizing and understanding of various thousand new words and concepts that presents the brain a good training for prospect occasions where remembering is a necessity. After learning the foreign language you will have improved results with studying for exams, with information incorporation and usually, with keeping your mind healthy and active even at older ages.
Decision-making skills get better
According to a research from a University of Chicago, polyglots tend to make more reasonable decisions. Any language comprises nuance and slight implications in its vocabulary and these prejudices can subconsciously influence the judgment. Multilingual are more positive with their options after thinking it over in secondary language and considering whether their early conclusions still stand up.