How to Prevent the Length of your Dissertation from Intimidating You
Nothing to Fear
Students are left with open mouths when the lecturer says they have to write a 12,000-word the dissertation. Since many of them struggle to write a 1000-word essay, a 12,000-word dissertation is indigestible! They think that their whole life will be spent in getting that many words together! Students are left with a nightmare. They don't know where to start, what to do and how it's to be done. More confusion for the confused! is an online organisation where students can get assignment and dissertation writing help under one roof. They will find all their solutions there. has a team of experts to assist the students. The experts are highly qualified in their respective fields. Many have Masters and PhD certificates. They are well-versed with the type of writing needed in dissertations. And the number of the word doesn't scare them at all. They know how to handle it and get things done. According to, students feel intimidated because they are not used to writing so many words and sentences on a regular basis. They cannot get the thoughts and ideas to flow freely. It is because they are distracted by so many things such as smartphones, music, internet, friends and movies, etc. Students have a lot on their plates, and they are not able to focus. Moreover, they have problems in multitasking. They cannot get three or more things done at once. If they manage to do, the work either lacks quality or doesn't make sense. Thus, it's best for students to avail services of It will get their work done without any hassle. And students will not have to go through a crisis-like situation!
Don't let it Scare You!
The number of words in a dissertation highlights the student's productivity, skills, knowledge and hard work. It brings out the quality. Students are given a timeframe up to six months to get their dissertation done. It includes research word, methodology, data analysis and interviews. says this can be done with proper planning and time management. Students need to be in touch with what they have done. They should first work on a draft and be open to making changes. According to, the number of words will be covered in no time. Professional writers often end up deleting paragraphs and sentences because they have gone beyond the word limit! Once students get the hang of writing, they will also find that the word limit is not too much. In fact, they will ask their lecturers if it's okay for them to write a few more pages! The word limit can only be tackled with proper research and layout. Students should follow the guidelines and instructions very carefully. provides students with a range of dissertation-related services. Students can get their dissertation edited and proofread; they can get it customised, and they get help to write the statement and review of the literature.
Ways to Tackle Dissertation Length
Students should first clarify with their lecturers about the exact number of words required of them for the dissertation. They should also ask about the criteria of the word limit and whether it's okay if they go beyond it. When accepts dissertation writing requests, the two things required are the word limit and deadline. Then the organisation proceeds. says that students should not be intimidated by the length of the dissertation. There are ways in which they can tackle it:
• Not the same- the length of the dissertation will not be the same for every topic or subject. Lecturers will also inform students that various topics and subjects require students to do more research and have more articles or data to support their work. For example, if a student chooses to base the dissertation on censorship of media or war crimes, then they will have to highlight a lot of evidence.
• Good Topic - students should choose the topic very carefully after a lot of thinking and research. If they are comfortable with it and trust themselves to carry on till the end, then they should go for it. Students should seek help from lecturers and seniors.
• Optimistic - it's best to remain positive throughout the project work. If a feeling of negativity seeps in, students should immediately take a short break to clear their minds.It will give them a positive feeling.
• Dedication - students should stay committed to their dissertation projects. They have to give it time and priority. says that dissertation writing comes easy with years of experience.