Well online learning is a best option to do study at home instead of going regular classes or libraries. It only requires a good internet connection and student can complete their home work and clarify their questions at home. And as we know most of the students feel comfortable at home if there is a possible to do their work at home so it’s beneficial for the students. They prefer online learning because it saves time and money so the student can utilize it in other curricular activities.
We have various methods to do study but it depends on the student need and convenience. As nowadays online learning is far better than traditional learning because it uses latest techniques to make the student creative and knowledgeable. With the use of that anyone can sit at home and get the benefit of online learning without wasting money. As we know the online literacy rate is increasing day by day.
Few students left their education due to some financial issues so it is good for those students who have a money problem. As we see there are so many online a tutorial who charges you to provide a study material but few of them are free. But that cost is not that much high as compare to we pay on coaching classes especially in a private sector. The wonderful and trustworthy website is Tutorsglobe which comprises assignment work, homework, textbook solution etc. If you have a load of assignment and homework then this websites proves a solution for you.
Drawbacks of traditional tutorial:
A. It is overpriced for most of the students who have a financial problem.
B. Need to go college daily to present physically in front of teacher.
C. Time scheduling is a very big constraint because teachers only taught according to their time schedule.
D. Fixed routine
E. They follow a fixed course only.
F. Their work is just to go college and teach the student so it doesn’t matter for them how many student understand the topic or not.
Benefits of online learning:
A. No need to go college daily.
B. There is no time boundation. It is available 24*7 accesses.
C. Few are free of cost and those charge you which provide good material and cost you very less as compare with traditional tutorial.
D. Student can study the subject according to their interest, need and choose their own timetables. It gives you opportunity to schedule your time on your own and mould it according to your requirement.
E. Clarify your doubts and queries. It also provide a deeper knowledge and clear all the concept so the student feel more comfort and relax when they have exams on their head.
F. There is no fixed routine you can choose the timing according to your need and convenience.
As I discussed above all the benefits of online learning it shows how much it is advantageous for the students and traditional tutorial is not that much good as compare to online learning? It is reasonable also. Bt all depends on you which one you prefer.