Unified State Exam is an exam in Russian Federation. It is a sequence of exams each student should pass after graduation from school to enter the university or professional college. Since 2009, USE is solely form of graduation examinations in schools and major form of initial examinations in universities. Student can take USE in mathematics, Russian language, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish), biology, geography, chemistry, literature, physics, history, basics of social sciences and computing science. USE in Russian language and mathematics are compulsory; which means that each student requires to get the required results in these subjects to go into any Russian university.
The task for all subject USE test contains of 3 parts: A, B and C.
A part has multiple choice tasks with 4 options. Mathematics and literature subject tests doesn’t contain A part.
The B part has tasks in which student should give a brief written answer, generally many letters or numbers.
The C part has one or many tasks in which student should utilize his creativity to finish them. Such as, he can be given hard mathematical exercise to answer, a composition to write or question to reply argumentatively. Unlike two previous parts, which are checked by the computer, the C part is checked by 3 experts of regional examination committee.
The USE paper forms
There are 4 stationery forms utilized in course of every subject USE test: registration form, answer sheet No. 1 (that is utilized to record replies for parts A and B), primary answer sheet No. 2 (used to write answers for Part C), and extra answer sheet No. 2 (handed out only if primary sheet No. 2 gets filled up). Student can write on both sides of sheet No. 2 if required.
Rules for registration and filling headers and answers in forms of USE are quite strict and are explained in the special instruction. Failure to stick to guidelines while filling forms may result in uncredited answers and void examinations.
Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) is scholastic aptitude test, used for entry into undergraduate programs at Australian universities for people without recent Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Test is designed by Australian Council for Educational Research, and administered separately by central tertiary admissions centre in each state and territory and University of Tasmania. Some institutions require STAT to be undertaken for all applicants for definite courses.
It consist of two parts, STAT assesses core competencies deemed necessary for university entrance, testing critical thinking and reasoning skills rather than knowledge. There are presently 3 kinds of STAT in use:
The STAT Multiple Choice
Standard test used by tertiary admissions centres. It has 70 questions, 35 of which are testing Verbal (humanities and social science) competencies and 35 Qualitative (mathematical and scientific) competencies. Duration of Test is 2 hours.
Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (O-level) examination is held annually in Singapore. Examinations are mainly set by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), while Mother Tongue subjects like Chinese, Malay and Tamil and Combined Humanities are set by Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE).

Examination is taken by students at ending of their fourth (for Express Stream) or fifth (for Normal Academic Stream) year in secondary school, mostly at age 16. System is equivalent to General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination taken by students in United Kingdom. O-level (O' Grades in Scotland) examinations were conducted in United Kingdom until 1988, when they were replaced by GCSE examinations. Whether or not GCSE is the improvement over its predecessor is the topic of debate. Important dates in 2014 regarding examination are:
School Candidates Mon, 24 February – Fri, 7 March
Private Candidates Mon, 10 March – Tue, 25 March
Oral Examination
EL Thu, 14 August – Thu, 28 August
CL / ML / TL Fri, 4 July – Fri, 18 July
CL / ML (Special Programme) Mon, 11 August – Tue, 12 August