All work and no play make Jack a dull boy, reads proverb that carries the lot of weight age. Therefore in educational institutions also children should not be part of only academic world but should be motivated to participate in extra-curricular activities. It might occur that some children might not be good in academics but has lot of potential in other activities. So it is a responsibility of every educational institution to support children to marshal their abilities by permitting them to participate in extra-curricular activities which they are good in.
Extra-curricular activities should be made obligatory part of curriculum since it improves the all round development in a child. Child’s growth relies on many factors and one such factor is his participation in co-curricular activities. Schools should have these activities to support healthy learning on school premises and for each child to appreciate and know his strong points. Extra- curricular activities can be separated under dissimilar banners like Literary, Sports, Creative, Science and Field Trips.
Almost every high school in U.S. presents some kind of extracurricular activity, like music, academic clubs, and sports. These activities present opportunities for students to learn values of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, competition, physical strength and endurance, diversity, and sense of culture and community. Additional activities give the channel for strengthening the lessons learned in classroom, presenting students the opportunity to apply academic skills in real-world context, and are therefore considered part of well-rounded education. Current research recommends that participation in additional activities may boost students' sense of engagement or affection to their school, and thereby reduce the probability of school breakdown and dropping out If, certainly, participation in additional activities can lead to achievement in school, then availability of these activities to students of all backgrounds becomes the significant equity issue. This issue concise inspects the relationship between additional participation and student engagement in school. The brief also discovers whether availability of these activities differs according to school characteristics, and whether participation varies according to student background and school setting.
Indicators of thriving participation in school comprise consistent attendance, academic achievement, and aspirations for progressing education beyond high school. Additional participation was positively related with each of these success indicators among public high school seniors. Students who participate are three times as probable to carry out in top quartile on composite math and reading evaluation as compared with nonparticipants. Furthermore such participation develops a healthy atmosphere among students and they get to know each other well.
Academics are the significant part of each student's high school years, particularly as high school grades play the integral role in college acceptance. Parents spend the lot of time motivating their teens to study more and play less in hunt of this goal. They think that devoting the great deal of time to studying assures achievement in future college applications.
Though, there is another more playful component of the well-rounded education outside regular academic program which may positively influence students' success. Additional activities, like basketball, baseball, student government, drama, tennis, debating, chess clubs, yearbook, choir and computer clubs can round out students' academic careers to great consequence.
Besides being fun and great way to meet people with peers, additional activities can improve students' time management and stress management abilities, enhancing on the whole productivity. Additional activities also boost the candidate's appeal when applying to college.
Studies illustrate that students in additional activities have higher educational scores. They learn to administer their time, reduce stress and learn to struggle for excellence in more than one thing. Students who are engaged in team sports learn to work in groups. Their written and oral communication abilities get better. These things intersect into real life. Students who participate in additional activities are held to higher plane. There are no team breaks. To guide them to show talents in a field that they are fine in, educational institutions should have this platform called additional activity. Every child is exclusive and born with the talent, so what other way can be the best than to display it through this platform known as Extra-Curricular Activity.