Employee Engagement and Creative Collaboration
The employee is the person who works for other persons benefit in return for salary or wages. Engagement refers to an agreement or a deed to do a particular set of work in a given period. Employee engagement together refers to the person, who devotes all his/her, skills in the betterment of the company. An individual who works with total enthusiasm and treats company as his/her office and take a right and positive decisions for the benefit of the company or the employer. Being creative refers to create or innovate new things, not only new but creating old things in different and better way is also term as creative. Collaboration refers to an action or work done by an employee for the completion or production of a particular task.
Creative collaboration relates to finishing or completing up a task in a creative manner. In a company, it is very necessary that an employee should be engaged in the office work properly. If any one fails to perform it will be a failure of the company only. Employees are the most important part of any company. A company can't survive without an employee. It would not be right that a company is running because of the employee. All the things are necessary and amongst that employee is also important as the types of machinery are worthless if there is no employee to work on it.
Before starting a company an individual has to fix up various things. These things include a factor of production. These factor productions are made up of four major parts i.e. land, labour, capital and machine. All the factors are equally important but labour is the most important amongst all. As an individual cannot do various works at the same time. He/she will need labour either skilled or unskilled depending the work or type of business.
Employees play a significant role in the development of the firm or a company. As the employees are the one who actually execute the work assigned or designed by the owners or top level people. Employees not only execute the work but they do it in a creative manner. No doubt the decisions taken are true and taken after complete assurance that the task will be finalised on time. But the top level management cannot decide the ways of improving it. They can only suggest whereas employees have to assure that their decision and promises should be kept as they are their employer. They work day and night to chase the target set by them.
Some people have a thought that after the introduction of technology the need for the employees and labour is decreased. As per their thinking, a machine can do the work of ten persons at a time. It saves time and resources. It would be partially right as the introduction of technology has given various advantages. It not only does work in less time, but it also needs fewer resources. It is a one-time expense. But to operate such machines highly qualified persons are required who demands higher salary than a normal employee.
Employees are needed to be taken care of. It is very necessary for a firm or a company to assure a proper number of employees should be appointed in all the fields. As less number of employees will decrease the quality of production, in the same manner, it will increase the time of production. On the same hand, more employees will disturb the work and their productivity will be zero.
There is no shortage of workers to an employer. In this way, an employee didn't have any shortage in the numbers of companies offering jobs? To keep an employee safely locked for the company. An employer should provide proper remuneration and time to time appraisal. An employee should be treated as a part of the company. All should respect He/she. No one should get right to speak them in bad or wrong tone. It would not be suggested to let them do wrong work or to comet more mistakes, but they should be taught the right way to work in a better and polite manner. It will help the employees to learn in a better way. Without any issues or complaints.
In the end, it would not be wrong to say that the employee's engagement is very important in creative collaboration. As there will be number of staff. Once they will face completion they will start enhancing their skills and showcasing their creativity in work. It will help a company to reach the heights of success. The phase of working will increase. The quality and variety of particular product or an item will increase. Employees are the hidden key to success if they are used properly in the right manner.