Easy Science Experiments for Kids Make for Great Fun at home
"seeing is believing",one of the major aspects to understand science is to be able to try it or seeing it ourselves. Experiments and visual illustration are the teacher important tools in teaching science and transferring knowledge. Targeting young brains need the teacher ability to deliver information in a simple way. Teaching students in an easy way that makesstudents interested in learning the subject.
Designing simple experiments that attract kids' attentions yet bears knowledge is a challengeable task. Taking science outside classrooms is important to achieve the desired goals of education. Making kids interested in learning and applying this knowledge and connecting their knowledge with their daily life is one of the great responsibility for teachers. Many kids have difficulties in understanding the plain scientific concepts, theycan understand more by seeing and experience how concepts can be applied. Allowing kids to make experiments themselves makes learning fun. Raising kids in an environment in which they can take care of a small plant they grow or of a small animal in their house helps kids to understand a lot of biological concepts. While exploring some chemistry fundamentalsthat involve home experiments increases the ability of the kids to understand chemistry and how we use it in our daily lives. Some experiments enable increasing kids' observations to the surrounding such as simplyrelated household experiments. Correlating some experiments to kids' daily life enable them to widen their comprehensionto theirsurroundings.
The high marks and grades fail to identify kids' potentials in certain subjects. Taking science home enrich the kids' scientific curiosity and creative thinking. Most kids that are interested in science festival and spending more time on how/why things happen,grow to be interested in studying science in colleges(Heilbronner 2013). Either performing experiments at home or in front of audience help to grow kids' talent towards science and enable parents to discover if the child holds potential of becoming a scientist. Science festivals are designed to build up kids' talent in creative thinking. Some kids are more interested in science that they keep preparing for months their experiments that they will show in the festival. Giving them ideas that are applicable at home is important and help them in designing their own scientific experiments.
Educational methodologies usually prepare teachers to be able to simplify the difficult science concepts and make them reachable to kids' realization through exciting simple experiments.Many rules should be followed in designing experiments such as designing a safe and simple experiment that kids can conduct themselves. Yet, asking parent guidance and permission is essential. Both parents and teacher should be aware that not all kids follow the instruction given to them. Most kids follow their eager to explore and the enthusiasm to discover new things,which make them modify the experiments according to their interests. Talent kids tend to modify the teacher instructions, which can develop kids' creativity and talent. Yet parents should keep an eye on kids during performing their experimentsat the same time leaving them a free space to discoverkeeping in mind that when science goes wrong it is ugly!
One of the famous experiments is the baking soda and vinegar volcano where baking soda is added to a volcanic cone shape that contains vinegar, it is fun for kids who are able to mimic a real volcanic eruption. Still, some kids replace both ingredients trying to see what can happen if anyother components are used. Another example involves discovering holes in the eggshell by placing an egg in a jar then pouring hot water over it after that the kid should watch the eggshell using a magnifying glass to see small holes in the eggshell. The experiment uses hot water so kids should be around adults who would pour the hot water for them. Making snowflake experiment is usually fun still the use of the household ingredients should be monitored as well.
But is it fun is what only matters! Sometimes the misleading concept about studying science involves only fun experiments is due to the people believes and the media way of presenting scientist. Kids would choose to continue with science just because it is fun and easy ignoring that not all science can be simplified. Growing from being a kid to mid and high school, students grow where the house indoctrinates the idea in the child's head if he/she executing those simple experiments is what they need to study science.Therefore, the child grows to choose the science as a major in college unprepared for the subject hard theoretical core. For early stage, making science fun makes it attractable for the child attention and grow kids eager for exploration but when they move to higher grades it should be combined with other strategies to make it more pragmatic for students. It was seen that a large number of students that choose science as a major in college either drop off school or remained ungraduated(Drew 2011). Those students' answers were that "science is not fun at all", being unprepared or willing to study more make those students unlikely to continue in a science career in the future(Pittinsky and Diamante 2015). Keep repeating that science is only fun fails to produce students that are able to putup withthe subject as it gets harder. Alternatively, trying to add fun to the subject while emphasizing on the idea that doing science is a challengeable task is more beneficial in making students bears the hard parts in the subject(Pittinsky and Diamante 2015). By that the students are much prepared and willing to try their best to prove themselves. Another strategy that can be added to teaching science is giving the student the admiration and respect for studying harderwhichmakes the learning process in general fruitful. Taking students to field trips such as scientists working places encourage students to choose science as a career and give them the real rolemodel they need to make their decisions in choosing science as a career. Engaging is another way to make students more interested in science such as showing them how science is a good future job and that humankind depends on scientist which can make science more appealing to the students (Langdon, McKittrick et al. 2011).