A dissertation is document submitted in support of contention for academic degree or professional qualification presenting author-s research and findings. Numerous people, in fact, go to graduate school as they have always been good at school, and want to continue with something which brings them success and self-confidence. Reading assignments, labs, papers, and tests you have been allotted as graduate student may not have been so different from undergraduate course work.
When selecting what topic to concentrate on, think what positive impact it will have on getting your job. There seems to be differing of opinion over role dissertation plays in making you employable.
Create a model. What do completed dissertations written under direction of committee chair look like? How long are they? What sort of chapters do they have? How many pages are devoted to literature review, methods, and findings? What sources did they cite? How did they submit their data? What strategies did they use for writing convincingly about findings
Create a plan. Before preparing single chapter of dissertation write a project plan. Follow the proper format. Note milestones leading up to the target defence date and dates by which you want to reach each milestone. Under each milestone also note different tasks involved. Write the time needed to integrate feedback into manuscript, time for further revisions, time for further data analysis and so on. Systematize attack on dissertation; it also assisted me work out realistic and possible idea of how long it would take me to finish it
Think small. Write small plans for each academic quarter, each week, and sometimes each day. It aided me extremely to see project as large collection of many small, convenient tasks rather than one monumental job.
Work on time management.
Effective time management can be a further method to ease some of external stresses of graduate school. Here are some strategies:

Plan each day. Plan a definite schedule which you wish to work on dissertation. Make a comfortable, distraction free environment. If you have option work from home. There will be less distractions than in office.
Prepare a list of all small things you require to do for given section of dissertation, no matter how small. Write down everything that you require doing to get it out door. Then when you do not feel like attempting something big, like relating major point in argument to applicable literature, You do not have to do everything on list in time you have assigned for dissertation work
Writing dissertation is not only novel; it is also very large, very independent project. Writing dissertation is a lot like writing book. It is, by definition, self-directed process. There are generally no deadlines from professors, no usual discussions with classmates, no reading assignments, no one telling you what to do, you are on own, writing something longer than you have ever written, and doing it without net. This independence can make process appear extremely threatening
Perform some soul-searching
This may be a time to ask yourself what Ph.D. signifies to you and whether you actually wish to continue. Keep in mind that what it implies to you, family, or friends. You might create list of all reasons you wish to get Ph.D. and all reasons you would rather not. You can try free-writing about topic and the reasons it inspires you.
Look for help from other sources of advice.
Visit campus resources which can aid you to sort out thinking on this hard and significant issue. Advisor or colleagues in department may be capable to aid you if you have good relationship with them. Other graduate students, particularly those who are about to complete or have completed, may be mainly helpful. University counselling services may show supportive as well.
Many people lead happy, satisfying lives, construct profitable and worthwhile careers, make significant contributions to knowledge, and share interesting ideas with others. Making a decision to not to continue with Ph.D. doesn’t mean that you have quit or that others who stay in program are smarter, more driven, or more righteous than you are. It also doesn’t mean that you have wasted time and money that you put in degree. It may merely mean that after regarding your own personal motivations and goals, you made a decision this career choice was not for you—and that you plan to use abilities you honed as graduate student in other ways which are more suitable for you.