Deciding to make primary changes to way students learn, and hence, the method teachers teach, has enormous implications for district. Teachers and administrators frequently spend important time researching effectual strategies before accepting local innovation plans.
Deeper learning - that is mastering academic content as also supporting students to create critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication skills. The New Tech method, most frequently utilized in high schools (there are more than 100 schools in New Tech Network across country) translates fairly well to middle school. It takes little bit longer for middle school student to 'get it' than a high school.
There is an important gap between students who rise with technology and access to Internet at home against those students who don’t have regular Web access. The abilities that one group will have over other makes an enormous digital divide which will not permit second group to have advantages of other. Differences are fairly obvious, particularly when judged by some of newer assessment tests like Smarter Balanced. These tests are completed on computer, with students expected to know how to drag items and place things in dissimilar places. Students without access to computers could have enormous disadvantage when taking these newer types of tests. We would see direct correlation between high and low socio-economic schools which would interpret to high versus low test scores.
This "digital divide" and anxiety over high against low socio-economic demographics was one of the reasons that Randy's school district. In "social communities" groups of students working together teaming up as teacher walked around as guide and facilitator. This was something we wished to bring to our district.
The world is varying and public education requires changing. Essential skills are no longer adequate to permit children to thrive in this modern age. Bulldog Tech utilizes a proven school model which adjusts to changing society. Using 21st Century abilities and culture which empowers, technology which allows, and curriculum which involves, we increase the way child learns. Teachers played huge role in district's decision to modify how it teaches its students.
Educators do not enter field to make money. They wish to change world. Generally public education does not permit you to change world as much as you wish- and it is uphill battle with bureaucracy. But with New Tech- they obtain all great things you learned in college to teach students and they put it into practice. When you do all things you know will work with students to aid them create lifelong love of learning you become educator who is authorized to educate in way which promotes success and makes students for life after graduation."
Bulldog Tech will join students with the talents and aptitudes to do well in the knowledge-based, highly technological society. All learning at Bulldog Tech takes place in the context of larger projects or problems. Our teachers create demanding projects, tied to the state standards, which fulfil the requirements and interests of students. Students team up to obtain and apply knowledge for solving real-world problems. The approach to teaching essentially changes role of teacher and student. Teachers become facilitators and coaches who direct students to take charge of own learning, create their own solutions, and create self-management methods.
We also give a full integration of technology. We give each student with the iPad which they use all through the school day. They also have access to laser printers, laptops, digital printers, projectors, scanners, and Smart Boards all through the day. Responsibility, Trust and respect are seal of the culture at Bulldog Tech. These pillars direct the students and staff in developing the unbelievable learning experience and school environment. The students gain the understanding of professional work place via on-going workshops, guest speakers, and job shadowing field experiences in Silicon Valley corporations. Working on projects in teams, students are responsible to their peers, and learn to take individual liability to finish their assignments and enhance their learning.
The New Tech design gives the instructional approach centered on project-based learning, a professional culture, and integrated technology in classroom. Hands-on, multi-year approach provides Bulldog Tech structure and support to make sure long-term success.