To get the advanced degree in any field can open various opportunities. We can easily select our desired field. Education plays a important role in higher earnings and lowering unemployment rates. To study in universities in United States one has to give GRE exam.
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is an admissions necessity for most graduate schools in United States and it is a standardized test which is created and governed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) in 1949. The aim of exam is to appraise quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, critical thinking skills and analytical writing which have been obtained over long period of time and that are not related to any detailed field of study. GRE General Test is accessible as computer-based exam governed at Prometric testing centers.
Cost of the test is US$ 185, though ETS will decrease fee under assured situations. They also endorse financial help to those GRE candidates who confirm economic hardship. ETS doesn’t demonstrate scores which are older than five years.
Structure of computer-based GRE General Test comprises of 6 sections. First section is all the time the analytical writing section which involves independently timed issue and argument tasks. Next 5 sections comprise of 2 quantitative reasoning sections, 2 verbal reasoning sections and either the experimental or research section. These 5 sections may happen in any order. Experimental section doesn’t count towards final score but is not differentiated from scored sections. Whole testing process duration is about 3 hours 45 minutes. 1-minute breaks are presented after each section and a 10-minute break after 3rd section.
Areas where computer-based testing is unavailable student can take paper-based GRE General Test which is comprises of 6 sections. Analytical writing is divided up into 2 sections, 1 section for each issue and argument task. Next 4 sections comprises of 2 verbal and 2 quantitative sections in changing order. Experimental section is not present on the paper-based test.

GRE Scores
For quantitative and verbal reasoning evaluations of GRE revised General test, scores range from 130 to 170 points. For analytic writing section, scores range lies between 0.0 to 6.0, in half-point increments. There are 2 verbal and 2 math sections on GRE revised General test.
GRE Registration
Registration for GRE exam is straight-forward. Exam centers are situated all through the world, and largely locations are open seven days a week. Registration for GRE revised General Test is based on first-come, first-serve, so if you wish to register for your favoured date and venue you have to hurry.
Make sure to register early for your GRE exam so that there is sufficient time to practice any essential paperwork, and so that you can take exam at the center of your preference and at your wanted time and date. You can schedule late by paying the fee of $25. Though, make sure to take exam at the date that will permit ETS to send the score report to school of your selection before school application time limit.
For paper-based GRE revised General Test, one can register by mail or online. To register Online, make use of Online Registration System. To register by mail, and for extra registration information, visit ETS Registration and Downloads page on ETS website.
If you require registering for nonstandard accommodations, go to ETS webpage for Test Takers with Disabilities.
There are 3 techniques in which you can register to take GRE in U.S., U.S. Territories, or Canada.
a) To register online, make use of the online registration system and pay by Credit Card.
b) To register by phone, you'll need to pay by credit card. Call your nearby exam center Monday to Friday.
c) To register to take GRE in the International Location, by phone, register online, by fax, or by mail. Go to Register for Computer-based GRE General Exam ETS website.
One can also reschedule or Cancel a Test in U.S., U.S. Territory, or Canada by calling test center where one has programmed to test. To reschedule or Cancel the Test Outside of U.S. call the suitable registration center at least ten full days before your appointment. You will be charged $50 to postpone the test.
One has to make My GRE Account to register for GRE test or to view the scores and to see available test centers and dates for all computer-based testing locations use.
Eligibility Criteria:
a) Candidate should hold the Bachelor's Degree of any of Universities incorporated by the Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 UGC Act, 1956, or have corresponding qualification recognized by Ministry of HRD. Applicants who have Bachelors from any foreign countries are also qualified. Bachelor's Degree or corresponding qualification attained by the candidate should entail the minimum of 3 years of education after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent. Diploma holders can’t apply to this programme except they also possess Bachelor's degree.
b) Applicant requires to have minimum of 3 years of experience in any industry as on April 1, 2014.