Method of communication with parents for children



The Perceptions of Elementary School Special Education Teachers about Using Email as Method of Communication with Parents for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Saudi Arabia

Problem Statement ( two pages )

· First, find two researchers that provide and identify teachers' views about using email

· Keep in mind that " I am not trying to understand, In this study I am trying to identify special education perceptions are for use email as method of communication with parents. Then to see what they see as the parents roll.

· Solidify and specify purpose statement, use word to address below

· Opinions of elementary special education teachers about email. Whether they currently use email or not.

· using e-mail as a method of communication with parents to improve the quality of children's education.

· BELOW IS information use it in the way address my topic

· lack of information to assist teacher/parent communication (Dubis,2015). According to Hu, Wong, Chea, and Wong (2009), communication via E-mail helps parents and teachers to increase the frequency of information exchanged regarding students' academic development. Many parents and teachers have a positive experience using E-mail to update each other about a student's academic performance and behavioral improvement (Thompson, 2008).

Epstein (2001) found that communication between parents and teachers is essential to support the parent-teacher relationship. Usually, Saudi's public schools send a meeting invitation to parents twice a year in order to keep them updated about their children's educational and behavioral condition at school. Although the invitations do not require parents to respond to such a meeting, parent are highly encouraged to attend the meeting and become involved with their kids' teachers. Once teachers notice that a student is struggling with his/her academic content or has behavioral problems in the school setting, the school contacts the parents to request a meeting.

Some parents ignore the school meeting for reasons such as work, a schedule conflict, lack of transportation for women (Thekra, 1992), or the belief that teachers are fully responsible for students' education and/or behavior at school (Zafar, Shami & Al-Hussein, 1989). These reasons may hinder not only parental involvement initiatives but also a child's ability to excel at school. Comment by Roaa Aljafari: I copied this from study please redo this part with different word to avoid plagiarismreferences always required.

Based on these reasons, researchers Dubis and Bernadowski (2014) conducted a pilot study that involved a questionnaire distributed to 261 participants in Riyadh City in KSA. Participants were both parents of preschool and elementary school students with special needs and special education teachers. The results indicated that in terms of attitudes and beliefs about using E-mail, the majority of parents (78%, n = 81) and teachers (77%, n = 121) indicated a positive attitude toward using E-mail in order to increase involvement and engagement between parents and teachers. Although E-mail communication in the U.S is quite common, the prospect of using technology for parental involvement is a new concept to many Saudi parents. Results of the survey indicated that both Saudi and non-Saudi parents and teachers would be open to the idea of using E-mail as the primary tool for communication between home and school in KSA.

Additionally, since the government implements a single sex school (Hamdan, 2014), the communication burden and the amount of involvement from parents are limited based on a teacher's gender. Although both parents have the right to communicate with their child's teacher regardless of both parties' genders, many Saudi parents are culturally restricted to just communicate with the same gender and vice versa. investigator explored whether or not using E-mail helped female parents overcome the gender barrier prevalent in Saudi schools. To gain that information, the researcher distributed a survey that collects participates' general background and measured their perceptions about both parents using E-mail for parental involvement in their children's education or behavioral performance at school.

In addition, with participants' consent, the researcher had access to all E-mail communication in order to document the quality of communication between both parties. Moreover, the researcher conducted semi structured interviews to examine participants' perceptions about using E-mail to enhance parental involvement. Therefore, the Considering different communication media, e-mail is known for being "swift and efficient communication" (Glendinning 2006). Measuring the impact of using E-mail for communication, Hu, Wong, Chea, and Wong (2009) found that it was helpful for Singapore teachers who taught primary school levels to use E-mail frequently to communicate with their colleagues and parents. Topor et al. (2010) categorically stated, "Parent involvement in a child's early education is consistently found to be positively associated with a child's academic performance" (p. 183).

Indeed, skills and knowledge of the use of assistive technology in classrooms should be provided for in-service teachers through professional development programs and as courses for student teachers and pre-service teachers in Saudi Arabia (Aldabasm2015). Russell, Bebell, O'Dwyer, & O'Connor (2003: p. 297) recommended the use of technology as a tool for improving learning. Add conclusion sentence to this part Comment by Roaa Aljafari: I copied ALL information below from study please redo this part with different word to avoid plagiarism Comment by Roaa Aljafari: I copied ALL information below from study please redo this part with different word to avoid plagiarism

Significance of the Study ( two pages ) Comment by Roaa Aljafari: I copied ALL information below from study please redo this part with different word to avoid plagiarismreferences always required Please formulate the points as paragraphs. Add sentences to make these points connected and associated

Address this part in way How will this impact elementary Special education teachers?

· The goal of this study is to help identify special education perceptions are for use email as method of communication with parents for children ASD in the education system in KSA.

· Such a study is essential because, there are many obstacles related to parental communication. The obstacles may emerge from the parents' and teachers' lack of understanding of the importance of parental communication in a child's academic success (Dubis,2015).

· Hiatt-Michael (2001) notes that, " teachers report on standard follow-up evaluations from their university that one of the missing elements in their teacher education programs is working with families" (p. 1).

· You can say one of significant to developing effective elementary special education teachers and equity in the system. these two things related with

· Saudi Arabia instituted Rules and Regulations of Special Education Programs (RRSEP) in 2001 to establish the privileges and policies that rule the right of students with disabilities to have access to special education programs. It includes the terms and conditions to enter the school and the quality of services provided by schools (Alquraini, 2013). The RRSEP was created to guarantee that all categories of disability receive special education services based on his or her needs (Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia, 2002 ; Alquraini, 2010 ).

· In 1974, the Ministry of Education placed a General Directorate for Special Education (DGSE) to be accountable for preparing and developing special education programs in Saudi Arabia (Al-Ajmi, 2006).

· The vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 was supportive of enabling people with disabilities to have access to education, non-discrimination and equal opportunity. Ensuring a quality, fair and inclusive education for all students and encouraging parents' participation in the education of their children.

· Add reference


· This mixed methods study will assist to identifying the special education perceptions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's for use email as method of communication with parents for children ASD.

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Business Law and Ethics: Method of communication with parents for children
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