Challenges associated with a pay for performannce strategy


Some experts have argued that in order to reduce the spiraling costs in healthcare, we must improve worker productivity. Many believe that changes must be made in the entitlement mentality of healthcare workers with respect to compensation and benefits.

This final project will be to develop a pay for performance plan for your current job description.


• In your introduction include what is meant by entitlement, pay for performance compensation and benefits.

• Identify the challenges associated with a pay for performance strategy.

• How the program could be implemented in your place of employment.

• Complete a review of your position and write a detailed pay for performance plan that includes benefits and compensation.

You must use Paper requirements

• Cover sheet

• You must use 7-10 typed pages by APA format

• Pay for performance itemized plan

• You must use Minimum 7 references

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Other Management: Challenges associated with a pay for performannce strategy
Reference No:- TGS01775446

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