Antigen antibody reactions

Question 1: Draw a neat labeled diagram of a bacterial cell. Describe different cell structures.

Question 2: Describe sample collection, processing of urine sample for the laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infection.

Question 3: Explain antigen antibody reactions. Describe principles and applications of precipitation reactions.

Question 4: Name the protozoa causing diarrhea. Explain life cycle, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis.

Question 5: Write brief notes on: (Any Four):

a) Coagulase test.
b) Hot air oven.
c) Disposal of biomedical waste generated in Microbiology laboratory.
d) TCBS medium.
e) Antibiotic susceptibility testing.

Question 6: Write brief notes on: (Any Four)

a) Cryptococcus neoformans.
b) Polio vaccine.
c) LPCB in mycology.
d) Egg inoculation.
e) Role of PBS in laboratory diagnosis.

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Biology: Antigen antibody reactions
Reference No:- TGS05467

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