Problem on annual mortgage payment

You just took out a variable-rate mortgage on your new home. The mortgage value is $100,000, the term is 30 years, and initially the interest rate is 8%. The interest rate is fixed for 5 years, after which the time rate will be adjusted according to the prevailing rates. The latest rate can be exerted to your loan either by changing the amount payment or by changing the length of mortgage.

a) Supposing annual payments, what is the original annual mortgage payment?

b) Make an amortization schedule for the first 5 years. Then What is the mortgage balance after 5 years?

c) When the interest rate on mortgage changes to 9% after 5 years, then what will be the latest annual payment which keeps the similar termination time?

d) Under the interest change in part (c), what will be the new term if the payments remain the same?




a) The annual payment , M, can be computed using the following equation


From the question, PV=$100,000 and r = 8% , substituting to the equation and we get
M = 100,000 / annuality factor (30,8%)
=> M = 100,000 / 11.26
=> M = $8,882.74



The balance after year 5 will be $96022.26-$1200.96 = $94,821.30

c) The PV of mortgage after year 5 is $94,821.30
Using the same formula as part a), let the new mortgage payment by M1


From the question, PV= $94,821.30 and   = 9% , substituting to the equation and we get
 $94,821.30 / annulity factor (25,9%)
From Excel, we can compute the annuality factor, which is 9.823

M1 = $94,821.30/9.823 = $9,653.40

d) Using the same result in part (c ),


From the question, PV= $94,821.30 and   = 9% , substituting to the equation and we get


Solving the equation and we get T = 37.57
Therefore, it requires a total of 38 years to repay the mortgage if the payment remains the same.

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