What does compatibility testing include

What does compatibility testing include and who will perform the testing?




Third-party testing labs will perform the compatibility testing. Precisely what will be tested will be different from application to application, but usually, testing will cover the given:

a. How the application interacts along with core phone functionality. For illustration, how the application handles scenarios like an instant message or another system alerts being pushed to the device when the user is in other application.

b. Core application stability over time. Many events will be sent in the event queue to observe how the application handles them and to seem for instability (that is crashes) and memory usage (that is leaks).

c. Main application functionality. Testing will be conducted to confirm the main functionality you claim for your application in fact is in the applications. Qualcomm will not test it functionality for "correctness" by an end-user perspective.

d. A standard set of tests for all area of BREW functionality used through the application. For illustration, we will use a standard file system test suite when the application uses the BREW file system calls. Likewise, if an application uses the BREW networking calls, so we will test it with a standard networking test suite.

e. Any manufacturer or operator -specific look and feel needs.

f.  Compatibility along with the target devices.

g. Interaction with needed accessories.

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