
Hi Can you give estimate for this assignment please look at attachment page no for questions, book for case studies as in pdf. Assignment2: Page no 52 Assignment3:Case Analysis 74 Assignment4:Case analysis-98 Mini-99 Assignment5: Case analysis-122 Assignment6:Paper-126-127 Most the information you get in the attached pdf (Attachment1), it is like guide, for reference and case studies you can use this book Userid: Password:calu123 Attachment2 is Format i want. Please follow this format for all questions Write a 3 to 5 Page paper (1000 to 1500 words) in APA format. Below is a recommended outline. 1. Cover Page (See APA Sample paper) 2. Introduction a. A thesis statement b. Purpose of paper c. Overview of paper 3. Body 4. Conclusion – Summary of main points a. Lessons Learned and Recommendations 5. References – List the references you cited in the text of your paper according to APA format. (Note: Do not include references that are not cited in the text of your paper)

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