What was one of the things which made the hebrews different

Finegan World History

Quiz  - Multiple Choice

Answer all 33 questions below based on your knowledge of the topics we discussed in class.

1. From 200 BC to 476 AD, Jews living under Roman rule:
a. were forced to follow a Islam as the state faith
b. were treated as second-class citizens
c. benefitted from the teachings of Maya scientists
d. never were the subjects of state intervention or law enforcement

2. What was one of the things which made the Hebrews different in terms of their religious belief system?
a. they believed in the existence of a single supreme deity
b. they did not believe in the notions of heaven and hell
c. they did not believe in equality
d. they believed that all of God's children were unequal in some way

3. In Antiquity, the Hebrew tribe:
a. frequently abandoned their faith in favor of tribal faiths throughout Arabia and elsewhere
b. frequently lived a nomadic existence
c. were never treated as second class citizens
d. made lots of money from caravan trading in East Asia

4. How would you describe the social climate of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth?
a. there was harmony between peoples of different ethnic, cultural groups
b. there was widespread conflict between the minority Romans and the ruling Jews
c. the Roman elite was overjoyed by the arrival of the so-called messiah
d. there was widespread conflict between the second-class citizen Jews and the ruling Romans
e. none of the above

5. The Romans were concerned about Jesus as a social threat because
a. he could perform miracles
b. of rumors that he was the son of God
c. Jesus could mobilize large numbers of people and therefore potentially disturb the peace
d. Jesus gave sermons n the name of God

6. What was the one thing that made Jesus different from his contemporary rabbis (fellow Jewish preachers)?
a. he taught in his own name
b. he taught in the name of God exclusively
c. he died for his faith that God never existed
d. he traveled around the Northern Africa speaking to large numbers of people?

7. Jesus was an advocate for change but only through peaceful means?
True False

8. Initially - shortly after Jesus' death - Jesus' followers were inspired to promote Jesus' teachings. The first leader of the Jesus inspired Jewish sect was an apostle named Peter.
True False


9. One of the writers of many books in the New Testament of the Bible, a man by the name of ____________was the person largely responsible for converting Christianity from an exclusionary sect to an established, inclusive world religion.
a. Mohammed
b. Peter
c. Paul
d. Moses

10. As discussed in class, what was the key factor which led to the expansion of Christianity before Constantine's conversion in the 4th century AD?
a. Jesus' continued participation in people's lives through apparition (ghost-like appearances)
b. Peter's charisma
c. Paul's message that Jesus' teachings were not important
d. The fact that Christianity and Jesus' message inspired the poor and subjugated masses - gave them hope

11. Muhammed grew up in a merchant family that traveled all over the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia. True False

12. Rasulullah means
a. an angel
b. a prophet of God
c. Jesus and Mohammed
d. Gabriel's letter that he gave to the Christian monk in Syria

13. Which of the following is NOT true about the similarities between Jesus and Mohammed as discussed in class.
a. they had a religious message
b. they believed themselves to be prophets of God (Allah)
c. they focused their beliefs on social injustice and helping the poor
d. they were both born in what today is modern Egypt

14. In his religious philosophy, Mohammed borrowed heavily from the doctrines of which two of the dominant faiths operating in Arabia during his lifetime?
a. Hinduism and Islam
b. Christianity and Buddhism
c. Protestantism and Christianity
d. Christianity and Judaism

15. A theocracy is:
a. a government ruled by the will of the magical spirits
b. something that Mohammed established in modern-day Turkey
c. an empire controlled by secular (non-religious) leaders
d. a nation or government ruled by the will of God

16. Jerusalem is a holy city for practitioners of the following important world faiths: Islam and Buddhism? True False

17. As discussed in class, what was a primary non-religious cause of the quick spread of Islam across the Middle East, parts of Africa, Asia and Europe after Mohammed's death in 632?
a. Arabia's tradition of long distance trade networks
b. Mohammed's insistence on his deathbed that his followers leave the Middle East to proselytize in Europe and West Africa
c. Islam's appeal and attractiveness to all socio-economic groups within Asian society
d. the Crusades

18. Most of the bloodiest wars between Christian Crusaders and Muslim warriors took place right immediately after Muhammed's death in 632 (so in the 700s and 800s). True False

19. Which of the following is NOT one of the four outcomes of the Crusades?
a. Tragic loss of life
b. Intolerance in the name of the same God
c. Generally speaking, the Christians won the wars
d. The Crusades set up future conflicts between Christians and Muslims

20. Which of the following is NOT true of the first inhabitants of the New World?
a. they were nomadic hunters and gatherers chasing food
b. they crossed the South China Sea about 25,000 years ago
c. they were of Siberian or Eastern Asian origins
d. their descendants, over time, migrated further and further south and east

21. Why is 9000 BC important date in Pre-Colombian history?
a. humans first arrived into the new world
b. humans became isolated in the Western Hemisphere from the rest of the world
c. humans took advantage of the advent of the Ice Age and crossed back and forth between Siberia and Alaska
d. humans reached the southernmost part of Africa

22. What were the names of the three Native American groups that we highlighted in class as particularly advanced and sophisticated Pre-Colombian cultures? _____________________, _____________________, and _______________________.
a. The Romans, Maya and Inca
b. The Aztec, Inca and Visigoths
c. The Inca, Maya, and Moors
d. The Aztec, Maya and Inca

23. According to most scholars, the Inca and the Aztec developed the most sophisticated calendars ever devised by the human mind. True False

24. What was the one factor we mentioned in class which served to reinforce the Inca's ability to manage and administer such a vast and heavily populated empire?
a. their linguistic abilities
b. their extensive hi-way system (road system) which greatly facilitate travel
c. the spread of European disease
d. their superior technology based on the obsidian industry in Peru

25. What was the name of the Aztec capital city?
a. Tenochtitlan
b. Tihuantinsuyu
c. Nahuatl
d. Tonatiuh

26. What is significant about Huizlipochtli?
a. he was an important god in the Aztec religion
b. worshiping him led to an expansion of Aztec borders
c. he was the god of conquest and expansion
d. to please this god Aztec warriors engaged in nearly constant warfare against their neighbors
e. all of the above
27. Human sacrifice, as we learned in class, served an important role in Aztec _________
a. economy (trade, commerce)
b. crime
c. cosmology (religion, outlook on the world)
d. poverty
28. What was the name of the Sun god in the Aztec religion? ___________________
a. Tenochtitlan
b. Tihuantinsuyu
c. Nahuatl
d. Tonatiuh

29. As discussed in class, who were two of the groups that occupied and controlled Iberia before the Muslim invasion of 711?
a. the Barbarians and the Greeks
b. the Moors and the Greeks
c. the Visigoths and the Barbarians
d. the Visigoths and the Romans
e. the Romans and the Moors

30. As discussed in class, the important contribution made by the Visigoths to the subsequent history of Iberia was:
a. they destroyed every vestige of Roman life and thus ushered in spirit of intellectualism
b. they fortified the Christian faith amongst the inhabitants of the region
c. they rejected the idea that Santiago was buried in Spain
d. they brought Catholicism to the peninsula when they arrived in 1492

31. The three characteristics, as discussed in class, of the period of Muslim dominance in Iberia from 711 to 1492 were:
a. Long-distance trade routes, urbanism, Christianity
b. Urbanism, intellectualism, and Islam
c. Intellectualism, farming, and long-distance trade routes
d. Tolerance, intellectualism, and animal husbandry
e. Urbanism, intellectualism, and tolerance

32. Only in ____________, a northern mountainous province of Spain were groups of Christians able to hold off the Moors advances in 711 and defend themselves from Muslim conquest.
a. Santiago
b. Cantabria
c. The Canary Islands
d. Madrid

33. Why was Spain considered a holy land by Christian soldiers of the Reconquista.?
a. because St. Paul visited Spain during his travels
b. because St. James preached there after Jesus' death
c. because St. Paul and St. James' bones are buried in Spain
d. because St. James' bones are buried there

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History: What was one of the things which made the hebrews different
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