What attributes lead to your decision

Best in Class and Benchmarking

1. Select 5 manufacturing companies producing products in the U.S. that can be considered "Best in Class" (these companies do not have to be in the same industry as yours.)

Why did you select them? What makes them stand apart from all others?

What attributes lead to your decision?

Consider creating a table that shows the companies and their logos along with the attributes

2. Select 5 attributes to use for benchmarking the "Best in Class" companies against all others (including your own.)

Consider creating a table that shows the companies and their logos along with the best-in-class and benchmarking attributes.

3. When developing your Operations plan, how can you incorporate the attributes and benchmarking goals into your company? Be as specific as possible, you will be able to revise and refine these as the semester moves on.

As new grads, you will be able to really make a difference in today' business world. You will be in for the times of your lives in just a few short months.

1. Using your life experiences and web research, list innovations (processes and/or products) within Operations that have been introduced within the last 1-10 years that have made improvements in our lives.

2. Can you incorporate any of those into your new company? How?

3. How can you improve them?

4. Do you have any truly "bleeding-edge" ideas that you can incorporate into your plan and that you would feel comfortable speaking about with a potential employer?

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Other Management: What attributes lead to your decision
Reference No:- TGS01779839

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