Problem on the pseudo-posterior distribution

Solve the following problem:

For the Cauchy likelihood of Example 1, based on a simulated sample of size n = 100, show that the pseudo-posterior distribution πm(θ|x) ∝ l(θ|x)m is defined for any integer m > 0. Using integrate to properly normalize πm, show graphically how πm concentrates as m increases.

Example 1:

When considering maximizing the likelihood of a Cauchy C(θ, 1) sample,


the sequence of maxima (i.e., of the MLEs) is converging to θ ∗ = 0 when n goes to ∞. This is reflected by Figure (left), which corresponds to the code

> xm=rcauchy(500)
> f=function(y) {-sum(log(1+(x-y)ˆ2))}
> for (i in 1:500){
+  x=xm[1:i]
+  mi=optimise(f,interval=c(-10,10),max=T)$max}

where the log-likelihood is maximized sequentially as the sample increases. However, when looking directly at the likelihood, using optimise eventually produces a diverging sequence since the likelihood gets too small around n = 300 observations, even though the sequences of MLEs are the same up to this point for both functions. When we replace the smooth likelihood with a perturbed version, as in

> f=function(y){-sin(y*100)^2-sum(log(1+(x-y)^2))}

the optimise function gets much less stable, as demonstrated in Figure (right), since the two sequences of MLEs (corresponding to the log-likelihood and the likelihood) are no longer identical.


182_sequences of MLEs.jpg

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Engineering Mathematics: Problem on the pseudo-posterior distribution
Reference No:- TGS02044784

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