Low-medium and high microwave power

Question 1: Why TEM waves can’t be propagated in the wave-guides?

Question 2: List all the methods which are used to carry out measurement of Low, Medium and high microwave power.

Question 3: What is the main use of the coupling probes and coupling loops in wave-guides?

Question 4: Compute the ratio of cross-section of circular wave-guides to that of rectangular one of each is to have similar cut off wavelength for its dominant mode?

Question 5: What do you mean by VSWR and reflection Coefficient? Describe the measurement of low, medium and high VSWR?

Question 6: Define the term Faraday’s rotation and as well tell any device based on the faraday’s rotation.

Question 7: What do you mean by Rat-race junction?

Question 8: Describe how impedance can be measured by using the slotted line method.

Question 9: Describe the methods for measurement of low and high microwave power.

Question 10: Compare practical benefits and drawbacks of circular wave-guides with those of the rectangular wave-guides.

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Electrical Engineering: Low-medium and high microwave power
Reference No:- TGS07499

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