Is there any advantage at all to one group or the other


All humans can be grouped into ABO and Rh+/- blood groups (at a minimum). Is there any advantage at all to one group or the other? This article hints that there are some pathogens that display a preference to a blood type (for example Schistosomiasis apparently being more common in people with blood group A, although it could be that more people have type A in the areas that the parasite inhabits). Is there any literature out there to support or refute this claim or provide similar examples?

Beyond ABO-Rh, is there any advantage or disadvantage (excluding the obvious difficulties in finding a donor after accident/trauma) in the 30 other blood type suffixes recognised by the International Society of Blood Transfusions (ISBT)?

Please explain it in a descriptive way.

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Biology: Is there any advantage at all to one group or the other
Reference No:- TGS0876132

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