International policy discourse on adult literacy

Question 1: Highlight the key shifts in the international policy discourse on adult literacy and life-long learning. What are the effects of these shifts on adult education in India.

Question 2: Write about any two of the following:

  • Describe the difference between Correspondence Education, Distance Education and Open Education.
  • What are the various kinds of motivation? How do they help in motivating the adults?
  • Descibe how visual communication can play an important role in real life? List out various categories of visual media?
  • What according to John Dewey constitutes a triad, the three pillars of adult education and life-long learning, which helps in social transformation and cultural continuity?

Question 3: Discuss with illustrations how researchers in education have used ethnographic method to explore social relationships in educational settings and how this method is useful in designing literacy programs.

Question 4: Describe the concept, process, methods and materials of participatory training.

Question 5: Write about any two of the following:

  • Priority regions and groups of adult education  programs in India.
  • Steps included in organising Adult, Continuing Education and Extension Work and Field Outreach activities.           
  • Significant changes which took place in administration of adult education throughout the post-independence period in India.
  • Significant points to be kept in mind while writing for neo-literates.

Question 6: Libraries have to play dynamic role in promoting and sustaining post-literacy and continuing education in India. Describe, with appropriate illustrations, the above statement by laying emphasis on suiatble strategies that you feel are much relevant.   

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Other Subject: International policy discourse on adult literacy
Reference No:- TGS02206

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