Identify and arrange training support if required

Assignment: Manage Human Resource Services

This is a summative assessment, this assessment This is a summative assessment, this assessment

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, manage and evaluate delivery of human resources service, integrating business ethics.

It applies to individuals with responsibility for coordinating a range of human resource services across an organisation. They may have staff reporting to them.


1 Determine strategies for delivery of human resource services

1.1 Analyse business strategy and operational plans to determine human resource requirements

1.2 Review external business environment and likely impact on organisation's human resource requirements

1.3 Consult line and senior managers to identify human resource needs in their areas

1.4 Review organisation's requirements for diversity in the workforce

1.5 Develop options for delivery of human resource services that comply with legislative requirements, organisational policies and
business goals

1.6 Develop and agree on strategies and action plans for delivery of human resource services

1.7 Agree and document roles and responsibilities of human resource team, line managers, and external contractors

2 Manage the delivery of human

2.1 Develop and communicate information about human resource resource services strategies and services to internal and external stakeholders

2.2 Develop and negotiate service agreements between the human resource team, service providers and client groups

2.3 Document and communicate service specifications, performance standards and timeframes

2.4 Identify and arrange training support if required

2.5 Agree on, and arrange monitoring of quality assurance processes

2.6 Ensure that services are delivered by appropriate providers, according to service agreements and operational plans

2.7 Identify and rectify underperformance of human resource team or service providers

2.8 Identify appropriate return on investment of providing human resource services

3 Evaluate human resource service

3.1 Establish systems for gathering and storing information needed delivery to provide human resource services

3.2 Survey clients to determine level of satisfaction

3.3 Capture ongoing client feedback for the review processes

3.4 Analyse feedback and surveys and recommend changes to service delivery

3.5 Obtain approvals to variations in service delivery from appropriate managers

3.6 Support agreed change processes across the organisation

4 Manage integration of business

4.1 Ensure personal behaviour is consistently ethical and reflects ethics in human resource practices values of the organisation

4.2 Ensure code of conduct is observed across the organisation, and its expectations are incorporated in human resource policies and

4.3 Observe confidentiality requirements in dealing with all human resource information

4.4 Deal promptly with unethical behaviour

4.5 Ensure all persons responsible for human resource functions understand requirements regarding their ethical behaviour

Task 1 - Case Study & Role-play

Purpose of the Assessment

This assessment task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to determine strategies for the delivery of human resources services.


In this assessment you are required to respond to a case study business scenario (provided) and:

- identify human resources needs through a review of business documentation and the external business environment and through role-played consultation with line and senior managers.

- develop options for delivery of human resources (HR) services (later to be formalised in a service level agreement) and present these in a short report.

- develop an action plan for the delivery of HR services that includes roles and responsibilities for implementing proposed service level agreements.


1. Review the scenario information provided in the appendices of this assessment task.

2. Review the simulated business information for JKL (provided by your assessor) and identify human resources requirements.

3. Review the external business environment (political, economic, social, and technological circumstances, etc.) and identify possible impact on human resources requirements.

Note: You may gather such information from simulated role-plays or through reviewing the scenario and business information provided; you may also undertake additional research to supplement your report.

4. Arrange with your assessor to consult with two managers to determine HR requirements:

a. Service Manager

b. Sales Manager

Note: Roles to be performed by and/or observed by assessor.

Note: The HR requirements you identify through consultation will later need to be formalised in service level agreement (SLA) to be completed and agreed in Assessment Task 2.

5. Prepare a 600 - 800 word report on human resources needs that includes:

a. information gathered from:

- analysis of business documentation

- consultation with internal stakeholders

- a review of the external business environment.

b. a discussion of at least two options to meet human resources needs and discuss the risks associated with each (relate risks to your review of external business environment), such as:

- labour market skills shortages

- slow economic growth

- business confidence

- uncertainty in environmental regulatory environment

c. a return on investment (ROI) calculation and analysis for each option

d. recommendations to meet HR needs including recommendations for service level agreement/s

e. a discussion of HR strategies to deliver HR services in accordance with business needs, diversity, and anti-discrimination policy.

f. A review on existing industrial relations

6. Prepare an Action Plan to communicate and implement recommendations over the next four weeks. (You may use the template provided in Appendix 3). Include:

a. timelines

b. roles and responsibilities (include roles for HR team, line managers, senior managers, external parties, etc. as required for implementation)

c. resources required; including financial resources and technology for communication to stakeholders (both internal and external)

d. strategies and tactics to ensure successful implementation, including monitoring activities and technology required to collect and manage data in accordance with policies and procedures

e. activities - you need to include the activities required to communicate and promote changes, to communicate SLAs (for implementation in Assessment Task 2), and to implement your recommendations to meet HR requirements.

Note: in Assessment Task 2, you will implement communication of the SLA to managers and seek final agreement.

7. Arrange with assessor to meet and role-play meeting with Operations Manager to approve action planning and make revisions as required.

Task 2 - Project Work & PowerPoint Presentation

Purpose of the Assessment

This task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate that you have the knowledge or skills required to manage the communication, promotion and delivery of human resources services.


This task continues on from the work undertaken in Assessment Task 1. You are required to:

- communicate information on human resources (HR) strategies, service level agreement/s (SLAs), performance standards and potential return on investment (ROI) in order to build understanding and buy in among internal stakeholders.

- identify and manage underperformance through development of a coaching/performance management action plan.

Instructions Part A

1. Review the scenario information provided in the appendices of this assessment task and the simulated business information for JKL (provided by your assessor in Assessment Task 1).

2. Review work completed and information gathered for Assessment Task 1, and in particular, the selected options for HR service delivery and action planning.

3. Develop a draft service level agreement (SLA) in response to HR requirements identified in Assessment Task 1. (Use the SLA template is provided in Appendix 1).

Try to align the service level agreements to the overall strategic and operational needs of the organisation. For example, develop performance metrics related to financial or investor value, customer value, development of people or employee value, and the value added through improvement of HR management practices and processes.

Remember to include measures related to meeting requirements of the organisation's values, code of conduct, and legal obligations.

4. Prepare to deliver a presentation to managers on the human resource strategies developed in Assessment Task 1 to seek agreement on your draft SLA (which formalises agreement on delivery of options by HR service providers to internal clients).

Ensure that your presentation covers the following.

a. Work to gain support for strategies and the draft SLA.

b. Discuss relationship of SLA to business performance at various levels of the organisation (for example, helps sales people meet customer needs, helps managers, helps senior managers, helps the organisation achieve its vision).

c. Discuss the need for training to enable effective implementation of SLA.

d. Discuss risk level and management (risk mitigation) for proposed strategies.

e. Discuss ROI.

f. Discuss methods for monitoring performance against the SLA, for example strategies to:

- focus on building quality into the process and continuous improvement

- focus on preventing problems through early identification

- monitor constantly

- set clear accountabilities.

g. Discuss strategies for monitoring performance against SLA with respect to the organisation's values, code of conduct, and legal obligations.

5. Deliver the presentation to your class and Assessor who will take the role of managers.

6. Amend SLA if required due to input from managers.

7. Amend action plans for implementation of SLA as required.

8. Submit all documentation by the agreed deadline as per the outline below. Ensure you keep copies for your records.

Part B

1. Identify instances of underperformance using the information provided in Appendix 2.

2. Develop an Action Plan to address underperformance of team or service providers in two of the three scenarios presented in Appendix 2.

Action plans should include:

a. performance management activities

b. timelines

c. strategies to ensure success/integration with organisational values/policy/business ethics/legal requirements

d. resources

e. responsibilities.

Note: You may use the template provided in Appendix 3.

3. Submit all documentation by the agreed deadline as per the outline below. Ensure you keep copies for your records.

Task 3 - Project Work

Purpose of the Assessment

This task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to collect feedback on and evaluate human resources service delivery.


This task continues on from the work undertaken in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2. You are required to:

- seek feedback on human resources (HR) service delivery
- develop an evaluation report on performance.


1. Review the scenario information provided in the appendices of this assessment task and the simulated business information for JKL (provided by your assessor in Assessment Task 1).

2. Review work completed and information gathered for Assessment Tasks 1 and 2, particularly performance information and planned monitoring activities.

3. Consider the following scenario:

You have implemented the service delivery strategies based on the case study in Assessment Task 1.

You wish to collect feedback from: managers; external providers of HR services; and clients, regarding HR performance against set performance expectations.

You need to gather feedback covering the following areas:

? financial performance

? customer value

? people development

? operational process efficiency

? organisational values, policies and legal obligations.

You will need to capture information on potential causes for performance issues. You have decided to develop a client satisfaction survey to gather qualitative, level 1 feedback (the ‘Reaction' level on the Kirkpatrick Model) from a range of stakeholders to supplement performance scorecard information provided in Appendix 1.

4. Revise action planning undertaken in Assessment Task 1 to include service delivery surveys and information from company balanced scorecard (Appendix 1) over the current financial year. Include actions to ensure that you comply with organisational recordkeeping policy.

5. Develop a survey on HR service delivery to obtain feedback from clients, including:

a. senior management

b. line managers

c. recruitment service provider

d. employees.

6. Provide a copy of the survey to your assessor for completion. The assessor will fill out several surveys as if completed by various stakeholders.

7. Obtain the completed surveys from your assessor.

8. Analyse the feedback (in surveys) provided by your assessor as well as performance data provided in Appendix 1.

9. Prepare a report on HR service delivery performance for the Operations Manager. Your report should be approximately 600-800 words and include the following:

a. a summary of proposed recommendations for service delivery changes (executive summary)

b. analysis of performance data, including adherence to values, code of conduct, organisational policy and legal requirements

c. proposed recommendations for service improvements, for example:

- changes to service level agreement/s (SLAs)

- changes to implementation strategies

- reference to business needs in connection with changes and impact (if any) on business or operational plans

- revised return on investment (ROI) figures with justification.

Note: Ensure your proposed changes are expressed in a business-like and persuasive manner designed to seek approval and gain support from the operations manager.

10. Prepare an Action Plan to support communication of changes and implementation of changes over the next six months. You may want to use the action plan template provided in Appendix

2. Include in your plan:

a. communications activities designed to obtain support and approval from clients for service changes and changes to SLAs

b. activities, resources and strategies designed to effectively implement, monitor and win buy in from organisational stakeholders and clients of HR services.

11. Submit all documentation by the agreed deadline as per the outline below. Ensure you keep copies for your records.

Task 4 - Short Question Answers / Case Study

Purpose of the Assessment

This task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to manage the integration of business ethics in human resources practices.


This task continues on from the work undertaken in Assessment Tasks 1, 2 and 3. You are required to:

- answer a series of questions relating to analytical skills and knowledge of HR management.
- submit your written answers to your assessor by the deadline agreed with your assessor.


1. Review the simulated business information for JKL provided to you by your assessor.

2. Review scenario-based questions in Appendix 1.

3. Answer questions.

4. Submit written answers to each scenario-based question and associated documents by the agreed deadline and according as outlined below. Ensure you keep copies for your records.

Provide associated documents if required, for example:

- action plans (Q6b)
- amended policies (Q6e).

What your assessor will be looking for evidence of

? analytical and problem-solving skills to review business and operational plans and to develop and evaluate human resources strategies to support them

? communication and negotiation skills to consult with key stakeholders across the organisation and ensure their support for human resources strategies

? communication skills to manage service delivery

? learning skills to see that performance is managed and skills are developed in a range of contexts

? technology skills to:

- communicate with key stakeholders

- support HR functions, including data collection and managing information according to legislation and organisational policies

? knowledge of human resources strategies and planning processes as they relate to business and operational plans

? knowledge of performance and contract management

? knowledge of relevant legislation that applies to human resources.

Appendix 1 - Scenario-based questions - Business ethics

1. What are two pieces of legislation that may apply to managing human resources?

2. How do human resource strategies and planning processes relate to business and operational plans?

3. What is performance management for the delivery of HR services in your own words?

4. What is contract management for HR service delivery in your own words?

5. How is feedback used to modify the delivery of human resources?

6. Use JKL Industries' code of conduct to answer the following questions.

a. What are the requirements of the organisation's code of conduct?

b. How would you communicate the code of conduct? Discuss:

- activities

- strategies to achieve the aims of the communication activities

- technologies and media to achieve the aims of the communication strategies.

Note: you may wish to submit an action plan as an alternative way of answering this question.

c. Who would you consult and why?

d. How would you monitor employee adherence to the code of conduct?

e. How would you incorporate the code of conduct into HR policies and practices?

Note: You may wish to submit an amended policy or procedure example as a way of answering this question.

f. How would you incorporate the code of conduct into service level agreements?

g. How can the effective implementation by HR of a code of conduct contribute to business and operational success?

h. How would you personally ensure that you adhered to (and were seen to adhere to)
the organisation's code of conduct?

7. You have had a complaint from one of the senior managers that information relating to a sexual harassment investigation was being discussed amongst his team members. He believes the human resources officer may have discussed the case with a friend (uninvolved in the case) who works in the manager's department.

a. What action would you take as the human resources manager?

b. What could be the consequences of failing to act promptly and appropriately?

c. What could be the business impact of failing to act promptly and appropriately?

d. How can you ensure all human resources staff are clear about ethical expectations and behaviours?

8. Your recruitment service provider has advised you that on an employee recruitment request form submitted to the provider, the manager specifically requested he preferred older women who won't ‘run off and get pregnant'.

a. What legislation is this in breach of?

b. What action would you take to deal promptly with the matter?

When you discussed the situation with the manager, he stated, ‘how am I supposed to know this that it's not ok to make that request? Is it written down anywhere? I'm a mechanic not an HR expert. Why don't you do this from now on?'

c. What documentation within the organisation would identify that his request is inappropriate?

d. What would you do to ensure that all personnel in the organisation are aware of their obligations, the company's policies, procedures and expectations and the consequences of unethical behaviour?

e. What would you do to ensure the matter was handled in accordance with confidentiality requirements and the policy-related requirements of the organisation?

9. How would you use digital technologies and systems safely, legally and ethically when gathering, storing and accessing information?

10. Discuss the steps of taking disciplinary actions briefly.

11. Discuss the steps of Redundancy management in short.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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