Ho should get custody of 9-year-old sean goldmansean went

Sean Goldman

Who should get custody of 9-year-old Sean Goldman?

  • Sean went with his mother to Brazil in 2004 (she was from Brazil).
  • While there, Sean's mother divorced Sean's father, David Goldman and stayed in Brazil. She later remarried and then died in childbirth.
  • After her death, Sean continued to live in Brazil with his stepfather.
  • As of this writing, David Goldman has just been granted custody after a 5 year struggle.

The judge's decision is expected to be appealed.

Should Sean stay with his new family where he has been for the past 5 years or go live with his father back in the U.S?

Why or why not?

Please include educational material to support your ideas

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Science: Ho should get custody of 9-year-old sean goldmansean went
Reference No:- TGS01105318

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