Health challenge of slums and cities

Discuss the following:

Garne, D., Watson, M., Chapman, S., & Byrne, F. (2005). Environmental tobacco smoke research published in the journal Indoor and Built Environmentand associations with the tobacco industry. Lancet, 365(9461), 804–9. Retrieved from
Sclar, E. D., Garau, P., Carolini, G. (2005). The 21st century health challenge of slums and cities. Lancet, 365(9462), 901–3;

locate at:

Based on your review of the two studies,write a checklist to analyze the quality of research studies.

a. Your checklist must not have more than 20 items. Avoid repetition.

b. Explain how each item on the checklist helps evaluate a study.

c. The checklist should be clearly worded. A person using it should not have to ask for an explanation of any item.

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Other Management: Health challenge of slums and cities
Reference No:- TGS01755101

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