Find weight-cost of prepeg to produce hollow composite tube

Determine the weight and cost of prepeg required to produce a hollow composite tube (Outside Diameter = 50mm, wall thickness = 5mm and, length = 4m) if it contains 60 volume percent AS-4 carbon fibers (at $60/Kg) in an epoxy matrix (at $8\kg). The tube is manufactured by wrapping the prepeg around a mandrel, and the cost of prepreggings is $70/kg.

Find the volume of tube, Find Carbon Fiber and epoxy density from internet, Calculate composite density using fiber volume fraction equation Pc=PfVf+(1-Vf)Pm, Total Cost = Cost AS-4 + Cost Epoxy + Cost of Fabrication.

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Mechanical Engineering: Find weight-cost of prepeg to produce hollow composite tube
Reference No:- TGS0737439

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