Find genotypes and phenotypes of the crosses

Fruit flies can be grey-bodied (GG) or black-bodied (gg). They may also have long wings (LL) or short wings (ll).

A. Use a Punnett Square to determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the following crosses: (you can use the table function in "Word" to make your Punnett Squares).

1. Monohybrid Crosses

a. Cross a homozygous grey-bodied fly with a heterozygous grey-bodied fly.

b. Cross a homozygous black-bodied fly with a heterozygous grey-bodied fly.

2. Dihybrid Crosses

a. Cross a heterozygous grey-bodied fly that is also a heterozygous long-winged fly with a heterozygous grey-bodied fly that is a short-winged fly.

b. Cross a black-bodied fly that is also short-winged with a fly that is heterozygous for both grey-body and long wings.

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Biology: Find genotypes and phenotypes of the crosses
Reference No:- TGS0691355

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