Epidemiological study of murray valley encephalitis

Using the Centers for Disese Control and Prevention wbsite http;//www.cdc.gov/, research and locate data charts and tables relating to the statistical findings and Epidemiological Study of Murray Valley Encephalitis. Each CDC featured outbreak includes Highlights, At-A-Glance, and Epi Curves to assist with the collection of this research. Determine the data to use from these sites on the assigned tasks.

Create a 1-3 power point slides. use references on a separate slide, citing all sources using APA format.

Assigned tasks:

• A brief summary of your research and findings including laboratory information and data of Murray Valley Encephalitis.

• A description of data in terms of person, place, and time of Murray Valley Encephalitis.

You must Make sure to collate and explain relevant charts and tables, no more than 5 bullets.

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Other Subject: Epidemiological study of murray valley encephalitis
Reference No:- TGS01777905

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