Designing and testing 4-bit ripple carry adder

Question 1) Design and test (exhaustively) 4-bit ripple carry adder, i. e., an array of 4 full adders that adds any 4-bit binary number A3A2A1A0 to the 8-4-2-1 BCD code of third and fourth non-zero and different digits of your Red ID number. Choose the BCD code for first the third and then fourth digit using the array of 2-1 multiplexers with select input S. When S is zero, the 8-4-2-1 code for third digit of your Red ID number is added to A3A2A1A0 . When S is 1, fourth digit is added to A3A2A1A0. Run through 16 values of A3A2A1A0 for both S = 0 and S = 1. Use only AND, OR, and INV gates to create one full adder, and then copy to make 4 full adders. Do the same for the multiplexers. A3A2A1A0 will run from 0 to15 twice to make the exhaustive check. You require only annotate every fourth input and output.

Basically how you are supposed to do this?

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Electrical Engineering: Designing and testing 4-bit ripple carry adder
Reference No:- TGS04637

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