Configuration and sub system of the das

Question 1: What do you mean by the term data acquisition system?

Question 2: What are the significant factors which decide the configuration and sub system of the DAS?

Question 3: What are the different configurations employed in the DAS?

Question 4: Draw and describe the block diagram of the DAS.

Question 5: Illustrate the term recorder? Give the categorization of recorders.

Question 6: What is the need of the recorders?

Question 7: What are the recording needs?

Question 8: What is the difference between the indicator and recorder?

Question 9: What is the basic difference between strip chart recorder and an X-Y recorder?

Question 10: What are the three main systems of the strip chart recorder?

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Electrical Engineering: Configuration and sub system of the das
Reference No:- TGS07637

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