Compute the amount of array value and echo a span with id

1. Create php 09 array 03.html with this content:

a. A form that posts to php 09 array 03.php with this text and these objects:

  • DELIMITER Input box with id and name: 'delimiter'
  • DATA Input box with id and name: 'delimitedListOfWeights' 
  • MAX FREE Input box with id and name: 'maxWithOutSurcharge'
  • RATE Input box with id and name: 'surchargeFactor'
  • Submit button with face GO and id 'go'

 b. TEST: Click GO on menubar and it should look like this:

2. Create php 09 array 03.php which does this:

a. Receive the four values posted from php 9 array 03.html

b. Use $delimiter to make an array of $delimitedListOfWeights ($delimitedListOfWeights is a delimited list)


Use explode(...) to make the array. Search e-book for: explode

In JavaScript you used split() to make an array from delimited data. In PHP use explode(...)

c. Using a loop to process all array values and compare each value in list to $maxWithOutSurcharge

  If an array value is more than $maxWithOutSurcharge 

(1) Compute the amount of array value over $maxWithOutSurcharge

(2) Multiply that amount by $surchargeFactor.

(3) Add result to $total.

  TIP: A common mistake is to compare using the array variable and forgetting to compare specific array

      values instead of individual array values by using [...].

e. Echo a span with id 'result' that contains the value: $total

 3. Example of how to process the data

Assume these values:

delimiter: g

delimitedListOfWeights: 200g345g100g500

maxWithOutSurcharge: 300

surchargeFactor: .1

In this example total would be:

(45 * .1) + (200 * .1) ==> 4.5 + 20 ==> 24.5


345 and 500 are greater than 300.

The amount greater (45 and 200) are multiplied by .1 and added to the total

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JAVA Programming: Compute the amount of array value and echo a span with id
Reference No:- TGS02710305

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