Characteristic of effective leadership


Question 1 The element of leadership vision in which the leader has a solid understanding of the organization's environment, including its competition, risk, budget, infrastructure, consumer/audience satisfaction, and natural and human resource availability, is called________________.

a being open

b seeking information

c maintaining integrity

d knowing and valuing your people

Question 2 Planning involves which of the following?

a careful preparation

b prudent analysis of information

c credible decision-making

d all of the above

Question 3 Goals should ___________.

a include higher performance objectives

b ask followers to stretch

c be achievable

d all of the above

Question 4 Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective leadership?

a good communication skills

b ability to identify one's own strengths and weaknesses

c patience

d pessimism

Question 5 _____________are those plans built to withstand the test of time.

a Contingency plans

b Tactical plans

c Ongoing plans

d Single use plans

Question 6 Leaders ________________ by recognizing contributions and celebrating values and victories.

a enable others to act

b encourage the heart

c inspire a shared vision

d model the way

Question 7 Leaders ________.

a focus on tomorrow

b see the bigger picture

c lead by example

d all of the above

Question 8 People can be genuinely inspired if their organization has a compelling ________and a clear, worthwhile ________.

a vision, strategic plan

b strategic plan, mission

c mission, vision

d vision, mission

Question 9 Which of the following is not the role of a leader in establishing a vision?

a listening to stakeholders

b understanding the needs and values of stakeholders

c animating their vision

d imposing their vision on followers

Question 10 Petco's Take Back the Leadership program helps its people create a shared view of the company's strategy by _____________.

a using strategic learning maps

b conducting small group discussions

c holding culture assessment sessions

d all of the above

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HR Management: Characteristic of effective leadership
Reference No:- TGS02951661

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