Theory of computation assignment help

Let s1 and s2 be two strings of lengths m and n respectively. By definition, a superstring of s1 and s2 is one which contains s1 and s2 as substrings. Give a dynamic programming

algorithm to compute a shortest superstring of two strings, and analyze its complexity.

Example: If s1 = aaaagatacac and s2 = acacggtttt then the following are all valid superstrings:

{aaaagatacacggtttt, aaaagatacacacggtttt, aaaagatacacacacggtttt}

However, aaaagatacacggtttt is the shortest. Note that the above formulation does not allow

any variations (mismatches or gaps) within the overlapping region.

The motivating application for this problem is genome assembly, where the goal is to recon-

struct an unknown supersequence by assembling smaller (known) fragments obtained from


2. (7 points) — collaborative

Give a dynamic programming algorithm for the problem of finding an optimal local alignment

between a string and itself — ie., we wish to find a pair of best aligning substrings within s.

Note that we cannot directly use the Smith-Waterman local alignment algorithm because it

will then only output the entire string aligned to itself as its final answer, which is not the

answer we want here. We are after a pair of shorter substrings within s. To make this routine

more biologically relevant, you can assume that any optimally aligning pair of substrings

that your algorithm detects should NOT overlap within the string - i.e., your optimal local

alignment should correspond to two substrings s[i1 . . . i2] and s[j1 . . . j2], such that i2 < j1

(without loss of generality).

The motivating application for this problem is to find “genomic repeats”, which are repetitive

substrings (with a few variations) present in different loci along a long genome.

3. (7 points) — collaborative

How will you modify the linear space Hirschberg technique to work for optimal local alignment

computation in linear space (both opt. local alignment score & traceback path)? Explain the

main steps of your new (modified) algorithm. No need to expand on parts that are identical

to the version of the algorithm discussed for global alignment computation in class.


4. (10 points) — collaborative

A q-gram1 is defined as a string of length q, where q > 0 is a “small” constant (say, q < 10).

Given a string s, let Qq

s denote the set of all q-grams in s. Given two strings s1 and s2

of lengths m and n respectively, their q-gram distance is the sum of the number of unique

q-grams in each — i.e., qd(s1, s2) = |Qq


s2 | + |Qq


s1 |. (Note: the pipe symbol ‘|’ in this

expression stands for set cardinality — not absolute values; also the \ symbol stands for set


a) Give an algorithm to compute qd(s1, s2).

b) Derive a tight lower-bound for edit distance between two strings as a function of their

q-gram distance.

c) Using the above results, argue how we can save time in practice in the following scenario:

we are interesting in knowing the (optimal) edit distance between two strings only if it is

below a certain cutoff, say  . Otherwise, we don’t care what is output.

5. (10 points) — collaborative

Given a pattern P of length m and a text T of length n, give an algorithm to find and

report all occurrences of P in T using the look-up table data-structure. You can assume that

n > m > k, where k is the window length used to build the lookup table.

6. (15 points) — collaborative

The nested pairing problem:

Let s be a DNA sequence of length n, as illustrated in Figure 1. We define “pairing” as a set

of disjoint pairs of indices in s. A pairing is “proper” only if it is one of the following four

pairs: {(a, t), (t, a), (c, g), (g, c)}. Any proper pairing becomes a “nested pairing” when the

string index intervals covered by no two pairs overlap. Put another way with reference to the

Figure 1, no two edges should criss-cross.

The problem for this question is to find an optimal nested pairing — i.e., a nested pairing

with maximum cardinality.

Give an efficient algorithm to compute an optimal nested pairing using dynamic programming

and comment on its runtime and space requirements.

PS: As a reference, my solution for this problem takes O(n3) time.

   Related Questions in Theory of Computation

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